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A parchment page of the 12th century Codex Calixtinus

Alternative forms




From Old Galician-Portuguese purgamẽo (13th century, Cantigas de Santa Maria), from Late Latin pergaminum, from pergamīna, from Ancient Greek Περγαμηνός (Pergamēnós, of Pergamun), which is named for the Ancient city of Pergamon (modern Bergama) in Asia Minor, where it was invented as an expensive alternative for papyrus. Cognate with Portuguese pergaminho, Spanish pergamino, English parchment.





pergameo m (plural pergameos)

  1. parchment
    • 1352, M. Lucas Álvarez, P. Lucas Domínguez, editors, El priorato benedictino de San Vicenzo de Pombeiro y su colección diplomática en la Edad Media, Sada / A Coruña: Ediciós do Castro, page 98:
      porque esto seia çerto et non venna en dulta dey ende ao dito Gonçalo Lopez, prior do dito moesteiro, esta sentença escripta en pergameo de coiro sẽẽlada con meu sẽẽlo de çera pendente, en que escriuy meu nome.
      for this to be certain and does not come into doubt, so I give Gonzalo López, prior of the mentioned monastery, this sentence written in a leather parchment sealed with my hanging wax seal, in which I wrote my name

