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Perfect passive participle of praesentiō



praesēnsus (feminine praesēnsa, neuter praesēnsum); first/second-declension participle

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First/second-declension adjective.

Number Singular Plural
Case / Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative praesēnsus praesēnsa praesēnsum praesēnsī praesēnsae praesēnsa
Genitive praesēnsī praesēnsae praesēnsī praesēnsōrum praesēnsārum praesēnsōrum
Dative praesēnsō praesēnsō praesēnsīs
Accusative praesēnsum praesēnsam praesēnsum praesēnsōs praesēnsās praesēnsa
Ablative praesēnsō praesēnsā praesēnsō praesēnsīs
Vocative praesēnse praesēnsa praesēnsum praesēnsī praesēnsae praesēnsa


  • praesensus”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • praesensus”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • praesensus in Ramminger, Johann (2016 July 16 (last accessed)) Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700[1], pre-publication website, 2005-2016