sulle spalle

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Literally, on the shoulders.

Prepositional phrase[edit]

sulle spalle

  1. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see sulle,‎ spalle.
  2. (idiomatic) that bears a burdensome responsibility, blame, etc.
    • 2016, Tom Bissell, “Tutto di tutto: Infinite Jest, vent'anni dopo [Everything of everything: Infinite Jest, twenty years later]”, in David Foster Wallace, translated by Edoardo Nesi, Infinite Jest, Einaudi, page v:
      I più vedrebbero in queste parole un elogio, ma un romanzo con vent'anni sulle spalle funziona solo perché pare astutamente profetico e perché i lettori di oggi considerano i suoi scenari ancora «rilevanti»?
      Most would see a eulogy in these words, but does a novel that bears twenty years work only because it appears astutely prophetic and because today's readers consider its scenarios still "relevant"?