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Lule Sami




From Proto-Samic *čāŋëtēk.




  1. to enter, to step inside


Even a-stem, -ŋ gradation
infinitive tjágŋat
1st sing. present tjáŋav
1st sing. past tjágŋiv
infinitive tjágŋat
present participle tjággŋe
past participle tjágŋam
present indicative past indicative imperative
1st singular tjáŋav tjágŋiv
2nd singular tjáŋa tjágŋi tjáŋa
3rd singular tjágŋá tjáŋaj tjágŋis
1st dual tjágŋin tjáŋajma tjágŋon
2nd dual tjágŋabihtte tjáŋajda tjággŋe
3rd dual tjágŋaba tjáŋajga tjágŋiska
1st plural tjágŋap tjáŋajma tjágŋop
2nd plural tjágŋabihtit tjáŋajda tjágŋit
3rd plural tjágŋi tjágŋin tjágŋisa
connegative tjáŋa tjáŋa
conditional potential optative
1st singular tjáŋaluluv tjáŋatjav
2nd singular tjáŋalulu tjáŋatja tjágŋu
3rd singular tjáŋaluluj tjáŋasj tjágŋus
1st dual tjáŋalulujma tjáŋatjin tjágŋun
2nd dual tjáŋalulujda tjáŋatjihppe tjágŋuda
3rd dual tjáŋalulujga tjáŋatjibá tjágŋuska
1st plural tjáŋalulujma tjáŋatjip tjágŋup
2nd plural tjáŋalulujda tjáŋatjihpit tjágŋut
3rd plural tjáŋalulun tjáŋatji tjágŋusa
connegative tjáŋalulu tjáŋatja tjágŋu

Further reading

  • Koponen, Eino, Ruppel, Klaas, Aapala, Kirsti, editors (2002–2008), Álgu database: Etymological database of the Saami languages[1], Helsinki: Research Institute for the Languages of Finland