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  1. (with "í") to have good qualities; to have merits; to be special and interesting
    Synonym: þykja mikið til einhvers koma
    Það er ekkert varið í þetta.This thing has no interesting qualities and I would not recommend it.
    Er eitthvað varið í þetta?Does this thing have any interesting qualities such that you would recommend it to me?
  2. (with "þannig" or "svo") for things to be that way
    En því er ekki svo varið.But that is not the case.

Usage notes


This adjective only exists in the neuter and only in certain set phrases.

The first meaning is most often used with negation ("ekkert varið í þetta") or in questions that imply the assumption of a negative answer ("Er eitthvað varið í þetta?"), although it can be used positively ("Það er mikið í hann varið").




  1. second-person plural present indicative/subjunctive active of vara
  2. second-person plural imperative active of vara
  3. supine of verja
    Ég hef varið miklum tíma í þetta.I've spent a lot of time on this.

See also
