- Arabic: تَعْرِفُ مَن (taʕrifu man) (said to m sg), تَعْرِفِينَ مَن (taʕrifīna man) (said to f sg), تَعْرِفَانِ مَن (taʕrifāni man) (said to c du), تَعْرِفُونَ مَن (taʕrifūna man) (said to m pl), تَعْرِفْنَ مَن (taʕrifna man) (said to f pl)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 那谁 (nàshéi), 那个人 (zh) (nàgè rén)
- Dutch: jeweetwel
- Estonian: tead küll kes
- Finnish: tiedät-kyllä-kuka (said to sg, of one person), tiedätte-kyllä-ketkä (formal to sg or said to pl, of several persons)
- French: tu sais qui, qui tu sais (fr) (said to c sg), vous savez qui, qui vous savez (fr) (formal to c sg or said to c pl)
- Georgian: გვარს არ დავასახელებ (gvars ar davasaxeleb)
- German: du-weißt-schon-wer
- Hebrew: אתה-יודע-מי (ata-yodea-mi) (said to m sg), את-יודעת-מי (at-yoda'at-mi) (said to f sg), אתם-יודעי-מי (atem-yod'ei-mi) (said to m pl), אתן-יודעות-מי (aten-yod'ot-mi) (said to f pl)
- (deprecated template usage)
- Icelandic: þú-veist-hver
- Italian: lei-sa-chi (formal, to c sg), tu-sai-chi (said to c sg)
- Japanese: (phrase) 例の (れいの, rei no), くだんの (kudan no)
- Korean: 예의 (ko) (yeui), 건의 (geonui)
- Polish: wiesz kto, wiesz o kim mówię
- Portuguese: você-sabe-quem, quem-nós-sabemos
- Russian: сам зна́ешь кто (sam znáješʹ kto) (said to c sg, familiarly), са́ми зна́ете кто (sámi znájete kto) (said to c sg, courteously, or to c pl), изве́стно кто (izvéstno kto)
- Spanish: Fulano, Quien-usted-sabe, Mengano y Zutano, ya sabes quién, individuo de marras
- Swedish: du-vet-vem (said to c sg, about one person), ni-vet-vem (said to c pl, about one person), du-vet-vilka (said to c sg, about multiple persons), ni-vet-vilka (said to c pl, about multiple persons)