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Old Church Slavonic


Alternative forms




дрѧселъ (dręselŭ)

  1. sad, mournful
    • Luke 24:17, from Codex Assemanius, 3241700-3241710:
      Рече же кь німа что сѫтъ словеса си о нихъже сътѧѕаета сѧ кь себѣ и́дѫща и́ е́ста дрѧсела ·
      Reče že kĭ nima čto sǫtŭ slovesa si o nixŭže sŭtędzaeta sę kĭ sebě ídǫšta í ésta dręsela ·
      He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?” They stood still, their faces downcast.
    • ⰴⱃⱔⱄⰵⰾⱏ (leaf 106.5, line 1)”, in Codex Zographensis [Глаг. 1]‎[1] (in Old Church Slavonic), National Library of Russia, 1000±33, page Mk:10:22:
      ѡ꙼нъ же дрѧселъ бꙑвъ о꙼ словесе · отиде скръбѧ ·
      At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad.