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Old Church Slavonic




принесоша (prinesoša) (East Church Slavonic)

  1. third-person plural aorist indicative of принести (prinesti)
    • 1581, Ostrog Bible, Genesis 37.32:
      […] и҆ посла́ша ри́зꙋ ѻ҆кровавле́нꙋ· И҆ принесо́ша къ ѿц҃ꙋ свое҆мꙋ и҆ реко́ша.
      […] i҆ posláša rízu o҆krovavlénu· I҆ prinesóša kŭ otŭc:u svoe҆mu i҆ rekóša.
      And they sent the coat of many colours, and they brought it to their father; and said […]