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  • IPA(key): [tajʁapətaːħaːn]



тегъэпытахьын (teğɛpətaḥən) (transitive)

  1. to fix something forcefully upon
    Гъучӏыӏунэ пхъэм кӏалэм дэгъоу тегъэпытахьагъ
    Ğʷuĉʼəʼwunɛ pχɛm kʼalɛm dɛğʷowu teğɛpətaḥağ
    The boy fixed the nail good on the wood.
  2. to be strict
    Сиянэ нэмазэхэм атегъэпытахьы
    Sijanɛ nɛmazɛxɛm ateğɛpətaḥə
    My father is strict with the prayers.
    Кӏалэм хабзэм тегъэпытахьы
    Kʼalɛm xabzɛm teğɛpətaḥə
    The boy is strict with the customs.
  3. to be punctilious
    Чъые уахътэм тебгъэпытахь фай, неущы тэрэзэу укъэущынэу
    Ĉəje waχtɛm tebğɛpətaḥ faj, newuśə tɛrɛzɛwu wuqɛwuśənɛwu
    You need to be punctilious about your sleeping time, so you will wake up correctly tomorrow.