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From किं (kiṃ, what, how, why) + किं (kiṃ) + दधाति (dádhāti, to place, to put, to establish). Notice how किं (kiṃ) is repeated indicating stress on the interrogative nature of the prefix. [1]



किष्किन्ध (kiṣkindha) stemm

  1. A city mentioned in the Indian epic Ramayana, the kingdom of the monkey kings Vali and Sugriva. located near the Tungabhadra River.
  2. A specific mountain in the region of Oḍra [1] and the cave by the same name. Two definitions of this word exist in the शब्द कल्पद्रुम (Shabd Kalapadrum) [1] in Sanskrit as follows-
    ओड्रदेशस्थपर्व्वतविशेषः।oḍradeśasthaparvvatviśeṣaḥ.A particular mountain in the region of Oḍra.
    तत्पर्व्वतगुहा च।tatparvvatguhā ca.That mountain and the cave.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Deva, Radhakanta (Sir). "किष्किन्धः", शब्दकल्पद्रुम (śabdakalpadruma), 1886.