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Alternative forms




From Proto-Kartvelian *kwas- (to sweep, to wipe) +‎ -უმ (-um, post-stem, indicative imperfective marker) +‎ -ს (-s, present tense, 3rd person and singular marker).



ქოსუმს (kosums) (Latin spelling kosums) (Atina, VitseArkabi)

  1. to sweep, to wipe
    1. to sweep
      1. to sweep with a broom
        აშექ ოქოსალეთე ოხომონდულე დოქოსუ დო მექოსალეზ ქონოდუ
        aşek okosalete oxomondule dokosu do mekosalez konodu
        Aisha swept the oxomondule with the broom and put it (the broom) in the relevant area (mekosale)
      2. to clean the whole house by sweeping etc.
        ჶადიმექ ჰანდღა ოხორი ქოსუმს
        fadimek handğa oxori kosums
        Fadime is cleaning the house today
      3. to sweep up dry leaves etc.
        გოწოზ ნთხირი ბუცხითე ფქოსით
        goǯoz ntxiri buʒxite pkosit
        Last year we picked the hazelnuts with a rake (there were many hazelnuts)
    2. to wipe and/or dust mirrors, glass, cassettes etc.
      მჯვეში კასეთეფე ფქოსუმ
      mcveşi ǩasetepe pkosum
      I'm dusting off the old tapes
    3. (dialectal, Jigetore) to cut grass, thorns, bushes, etc. under trees
      Synonyms: ქლიმუჲ (klimuy), ქვინუმს (kvinums), ღარუმს (ğarums), ნჩვარუმს (nçvarums)

Derived terms


Further reading

  • Asatiani, Irine (2012) “-ქოს-(>)-ქვას-”, in Buba Ḳudava, editor, Lazuri leksiḳoni: zmnuri ʒir-puʒeebi [Laz dictionary: verbal stems and roots] (Ḳolxuri seria; 8), Tbilisi: Artanuji, →ISBN, pages 259a–260a
  • Kiria, Č̣abuḳi, Ezugbaia, Lali, Memišiši, Omar, Čuxua, Merab (2015) Lazur-megruli gramaṭiḳa [Laz–Mingrelian Grammar] (in Georgian), Tbilisi: Gamomcemloba Meridiani, page 849
  • Kojima, Gôichi (2012–) “kosums/kosuy/kossuy/kosups”, in Temel Lazca-Türkçe Sözlük Taslağı[1] (in Turkish)
  • Tandilava, Ali (2013) “ქოს-”, in Merab Čuxua, Natela Kutelia, Lile Tandilava, Lali Ezugbaia, editors, Lazuri leksiḳoni [Laz Dictionary]‎[2], online version prepared by Levan Vašaḳiʒe, Tbilisi