Appendix:Turkish monosyllabic words

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Below are lists of Turkish monosyllabic nouns and adjectives, with obvious loanwords (such as çay 'tea') excluded.


  • aç 'hungry, greedy'
  • ad 'name'
  • ağ 'net'
  • ait 'pertaining to'
  • ak 'white'
  • al 'red, trick'
  • alp 'hero'
  • alt 'bottom'
  • am 'vagina' (vulgar)
  • an 'boundary, mind, perception'
  • ar 'shame'
  • art 'back'
  • arz 'presentation'
  • aş 'cooked food'
  • at 'horse'
  • av 'hunt'
  • ay 'moon'
  • az 'few'
  • bal 'honey'
  • bay 'gentleman'
  • bağ 'bond, bandage, vineyard'
  • baş 'head'
  • bel 'waist, spade'
  • ben 'I'
  • beş 'five'
  • bin 'thousand'
  • bir 'one'
  • bit 'louse'
  • biz 'we'
  • bok 'excrement' (vulgar)
  • bol 'plentiful'
  • borç 'debt, loan'
  • boş 'empty, free'
  • boy 'height, stature, length'
  • boz 'uncultivated (land)'
  • bu 'this'
  • bun 'anxiety, crisis' (rare)
  • buz 'ice'
  • bön 'silly'
  • büz 'cement pipe'
  • cam 'glass'
  • cep 'pocket'
  • cet 'grandfather, ancestor'
  • cız 'hissing sound'
  • cop 'stick, club, truncheon'
  • çam 'pine'
  • çan 'bell, gong'
  • çap 'diameter'
  • çağ 'time, era'
  • çat 'junction, intersection; sudden, sharp noise'
  • çit 'hedge, piece of cloth'
  • çiğ 'dew'
  • çın 'true'
  • çıt 'light cracking sound'
  • çok 'many'
  • çor 'illness, worry' (rare)
  • çöl 'desert, wilderness'
  • çöp 'garbage'
  • çul 'haircloth, horsecloth'
  • dağ 'mountain'
  • dal 'branch'
  • dam 'roof, small shelter'
  • dar 'narrow'
  • daz 'bald, bare (earth)'
  • dek 'trick'
  • dem 'breath, moment'
  • den 'tact'
  • dert 'trouble'
  • dev 'giant'
  • dik 'perpendicular, straight'
  • dil 'tongue'
  • dip 'bottom'
  • diz 'knee'
  • diş 'tooth'
  • dış 'out'
  • don 'frost'
  • döl 'seed, offspring'
  • dört 'four'
  • dul 'widow'
  • dut 'mulberry'
  • dün 'yesterday'
  • düş 'dream'
  • düz 'straight, flat'
  • ek 'extension, appendage'
  • el 'hand, stranger, tribe'
  • em 'medicine'
  • en 'huge, most'
  • er 'male'
  • es 'rest (music)'
  • eş 'spouse, mate'
  • et 'meat'
  • ev 'house'
  • geç 'late'
  • gem 'bit (of a bridle)'
  • gen 'wide, vast, uncultivated'
  • genç 'young'
  • giz 'secret'
  • göç 'migration'
  • gök 'sky'
  • göl 'lake'
  • gön 'tanned leather'
  • görk 'beauty' (rare)
  • göt 'anus, buttocks' (vulgar)
  • göz 'eye'
  • güç 'power, difficult'
  • gül 'rose' (< Persian?)
  • güm 'booming sound'
  • gün 'day'
  • gür 'abundant, dense'
  • güz 'autumn'
  • hal 'condition, attitude, strength'
  • halk 'people, folk'
  • ham 'unripe, raw'
  • han 'khan'
  • hap 'pill'
  • harç 'mortar'
  • harp 'war'
  • has 'special, personal, pure'
  • hat 'line'
  • hav 'down (of animals)'
  • haz 'pleasure'
  • hem 'also, furthermore'
  • hep 'all, whole'
  • her 'every, each'
  • hiç 'never'
  • his 'sense, feeling'
  • hız 'speed'
  • hoş 'pleasing'
  • höl 'dampness'
  • huş 'birch'
  • huy 'habit, character'
  • hür 'free'
  • iç 'inside'
  • iğ 'spindle'
  • il 'province, country'
  • ilk 'first'
  • im 'sign'
  • in 'den (of animal), cave'
  • ip 'rope'
  • is 'soot'
  • iş 'work'
  • it 'dog'
  • iz 'footprint, track, evidence (fig.)'
  • ırk 'race, lineage'
  • ırz 'honor, chastity'
  • ıs 'owner' (archaic)
  • kaç 'how many'
  • kak 'dried fruit, cavity where rainwater collects'
  • kal 'smelting'
  • kan 'blood'
  • kanş 'hairgrass'
  • kap 'pot, container'
  • kar 'snow'
  • kas 'muscle'
  • kaş 'eyebrow'
  • kat 'story, floor, layer'
  • kay 'vomiting'
  • kaz 'stupid, goose'
  • kel 'bald, bare, ringworm'
  • kem 'bad, evil, deficient'
  • kent 'town, city'
  • kes 'thick straw for burning'
  • keş 'skim-milk cheese' (< French?)
  • kez 'times (repetitions)'
  • kim 'who'
  • kir 'dirt, filth'
  • kıç 'buttocks'
  • kıl 'animal hair'
  • kın 'sheath'
  • kır 'open country, prairie, gray'
  • kırk 'forty; large indefinite number/quantity'
  • kış 'winter'
  • kıt 'scarce, insufficient'
  • kız 'girl'
  • koç 'ram'
  • kol 'arm'
  • kor 'ember, live coal'
  • kov 'gossip'
  • koz 'opportunity, walnut'
  • kök 'root'
  • kör 'blind, dull'
  • kös 'a big drum'
  • köy 'village'
  • kul 'slave'
  • kum 'sand'
  • kurk 'broody hen'
  • kurt 'worm, wolf'
  • kuş 'bird'
  • kuz 'shadowy, shady (side)'
  • kül 'ash, whole'
  • küm 'small heap' (rare)
  • küp 'large earthenware jar'
  • kürk 'fur'
  • küt 'blunt, short and thick, knocking sound'
  • lor 'goat's milk curd'
  • mal 'property, herd (of cattle)'
  • mas 'sucking, absorbing'
  • meç 'piece of hair, rapier'
  • met 'high tide'
  • mey 'wine' (archaic)
  • mil 'silt, pivot'
  • mıh 'nail' (loanword?)
  • mor 'purple'
  • mum 'candle, wax'
  • ne 'what'
  • o 'he, it'
  • od 'fire'
  • ok 'arrow'
  • om 'head (of a bone), tree stump'
  • on 'ten'
  • ot 'grass'
  • oy 'opinion, vote'
  • öç 'revenge'
  • öd 'bile, gall'
  • öl 'wetness'
  • ön 'front'
  • ör 'fence, barrier' (rare)
  • örs 'anvil'
  • öz 'pure, essence'
  • pak 'clean, pure, holy'
  • pal 'a species of pigeon'
  • pas 'rust'
  • pek 'hard, very much'
  • pes 'low, soft (voice); defeated'
  • peş 'back, rear'
  • piç 'illegitimate child'
  • pis 'dirty'
  • pır 'whizzing, whirring'
  • pıt 'sound of dripping water'
  • pul 'scale, flake, stamp'
  • pus 'mist; moss, web'
  • put 'idol'
  • saç 'hair'
  • sağ 'right, alive, healthy'
  • sak 'alert, vigilant' (dialect)
  • sal 'raft'
  • san 'reputation, title'
  • sap 'stem'
  • sarp 'steep, difficult'
  • sav 'word, assertion, statement'
  • saz 'reed, stringed instrument'
  • sel 'torrent, violent flood'
  • sen 'you'
  • sert 'hard, violent'
  • ses 'sound'
  • set 'barrier, dam, terrace'
  • sik 'penis' (vulgar)
  • sim 'silver' (not common)
  • sin 'grave, tomb; age' (archaic)
  • sis 'fog'
  • siz 'you all'
  • sık 'dense'
  • sığ 'shallow, sandbank'
  • sır 'secret, glaze (on pottery)'
  • sırt 'back'
  • sol 'left'
  • som 'solid, pure'
  • son 'last'
  • soy 'race, lineage, breed'
  • söz 'word'
  • su 'water'
  • suç 'crime'
  • sur 'city wall, rampart'[1]
  • süs 'ornament'
  • süt 'milk'
  • şak 'sharp cracking sound'
  • şan 'glory, renown'
  • şap 'alum'
  • şart 'condition'
  • şer 'evil'
  • şerç 'anus'
  • şev 'slope'
  • şiş 'skewer, swollen'
  • şom 'inauspicious, bad luck'
  • şu 'that'
  • taç 'crown'
  • tam 'entire'
  • taş 'stone'
  • tat 'taste'
  • tav 'annealing, correct condition (for process)'
  • tay 'foal, coat; equal'
  • tek 'single'
  • tel 'thread, wire'
  • ten 'body (archaic), skin, flesh'
  • ter 'sweat'
  • terk 'abandonment'
  • ters 'reverse'
  • tez 'quick, prompt'
  • tin 'spirit, soul (philosophy)' (< Arabic?)
  • tiz 'high-pitched sound'
  • tok 'saturated, full'
  • top 'ball'
  • tor 'wild, raw; fine-meshed net'
  • toy 'feast, immature'
  • toz 'dust'
  • töz 'root, base, ore'
  • tuğ 'horsetail crest/plume (sign of rank)'
  • tul 'length'
  • tunç 'bronze'
  • tuz 'salt'
  • tüm 'all, entire'
  • tün 'night' (archaic)
  • tür 'kind, type, species'
  • türk 'Turk'
  • tüy 'feather'
  • tığ 'hooked/knitting needle, awl'
  • tıp 'science of medicine'
  • uç 'tip, end'
  • un 'flour'
  • ur 'tumor, gall'
  • us 'mind, reason'
  • ut 'shame, shamefulness; lute'
  • uz 'suitable, able; far'
  • üç 'three'
  • ün 'voice, fame'
  • üs 'base, foundation'
  • üst 'top'
  • var 'existential'
  • ve 'and'
  • vık 'squeak', vın 'humming', vır 'nagging', vız 'buzz'
  • yad 'stranger, enemy'
  • yağ 'fat'
  • yal 'mash/gruel for dogs/cattle' (rare)
  • yan 'side'
  • yar 'cliff, precipice'
  • yaş 'damp, fresh'
  • yat 'armor, arms' (archaic)
  • yay 'bow'
  • yaz 'summer'
  • yel 'wind'
  • yem 'fodder, bait'
  • yen 'cuff, sleeve'
  • yer 'place, earth'
  • yin 'body' (rare)
  • yiv 'groove, flute (of column)'
  • yıl 'year'
  • yır 'song'
  • yok 'negative existential'
  • yol 'road'
  • yoz 'wild, uncultivated, undomesticated'
  • yön 'direction, angle'
  • yurt 'home, homeland'
  • yük 'load, burden'
  • yün 'wool'
  • yüz 'hundred, face, reason'
  • zil 'cymbal, bell'
  • zor 'difficult'

By semantic category



  • am 'vagina' (vulgar)
  • art 'back'
  • baş 'head'
  • bel 'waist, spade'
  • bok 'excrement' (vulgar)
  • dil 'tongue'
  • diş 'tooth'
  • diz 'knee'
  • el 'hand'
  • göt 'anus, buttocks' (vulgar)
  • göz 'eye'
  • kan 'blood'
  • kas 'muscle'
  • kaş 'eyebrow'
  • kay 'vomiting'
  • kıç 'buttocks'
  • kıl 'animal hair'
  • kol 'arm'
  • meç 'piece of hair, rapier'
  • om 'head (of a bone), tree stump'
  • öd 'bile, gall'
  • saç 'hair'
  • şerç 'anus'
  • sik 'penis' (vulgar)
  • sırt 'back'
  • tat 'taste'
  • ten 'body (archaic), skin, flesh'
  • ter 'sweat'
  • ur 'tumor, gall'
  • yin 'body' (rare)
  • yüz 'hundred, face, reason'



Full list

  • ay 'moon'
  • buz 'ice'
  • çam 'pine'
  • çiğ 'dew'
  • çöl 'desert, wilderness'
  • dağ 'mountain'
  • dal 'branch'
  • daz 'bald, bare (earth)'
  • don 'frost'
  • dut 'mulberry'
  • gök 'sky'
  • göl 'lake'
  • gül 'rose' (< Persian?)
  • gün 'day'
  • huş 'birch'
  • is 'soot'
  • kak 'dried fruit, cavity where rainwater collects'
  • kanş 'hairgrass'
  • kar 'snow'
  • kir 'dirt, filth'
  • kır 'open country, prairie, gray'
  • kor 'ember, live coal'
  • koz 'opportunity, walnut'
  • kök 'root'
  • kum 'sand'
  • kül 'ash, whole'
  • met 'high tide'
  • mil 'silt, pivot'
  • od 'fire'
  • ot 'grass'
  • pus 'mist; moss, web'
  • sap 'stem'
  • ses 'sound'
  • sığ 'shallow, sandbank'
  • sim 'silver' (not common)
  • sis 'fog'
  • su 'water'
  • taş 'stone'
  • toz 'dust'
  • töz 'root, base, ore'
  • tuz 'salt'
  • yar 'cliff, precipice'
  • yel 'wind'
  • yer 'place, earth'

Weather and astronomy

  • ay 'moon'
  • buz 'ice'
  • çiğ 'dew'
  • don 'frost'
  • gök 'sky'
  • gün 'day'
  • pus 'mist; moss, web'
  • sis 'fog'
  • su 'water'
  • yel 'wind'


  • is 'soot'
  • kor 'ember, live coal'
  • od 'fire'
  • kül 'ash, whole'


  • çöl 'desert, wilderness'
  • dağ 'mountain'
  • göl 'lake'
  • kak 'dried fruit, cavity where rainwater collects'
  • kar 'snow'
  • kır 'open country, prairie, gray'
  • kum 'sand'
  • met 'high tide'
  • mil 'silt, pivot'
  • sığ 'shallow, sandbank'
  • sim 'silver' (not common)
  • taş 'stone'
  • toz 'dust'
  • töz 'root, base, ore'
  • tuz 'salt'
  • yar 'cliff, precipice'
  • yer 'place, earth'

Waste and barrenness

  • boz 'uncultivated (land)'
  • çöp 'garbage'
  • çöl 'desert, wilderness'
  • daz 'bald, bare (earth)'
  • kel 'bald, bare, ringworm'
  • kır 'open country, prairie, gray'
  • tor 'wild, raw; fine-meshed net'
  • yoz 'wild, uncultivated, undomesticated'


  • çam 'pine'
  • dut 'mulberry'
  • gül 'rose' (< Persian?)
  • huş 'birch'
  • kak 'dried fruit, cavity where rainwater collects'
  • kanş 'hairgrass'
  • koz 'opportunity, walnut'
  • kök 'root'
  • ot 'grass'
  • pus 'mist; moss, web'
  • sap 'stem'


  • kir 'dirt, filth'
  • ses 'sound'

Life on the steppes


Full list

  • ağ 'net'
  • alp 'hero'
  • ar 'shame'
  • aş 'cooked food'
  • bel 'waist, spade'
  • at 'horse'
  • av 'hunt'
  • bağ 'bond, bandage, vineyard'
  • bal 'honey'
  • bit 'louse'
  • borç 'debt, loan'
  • boz 'uncultivated (land)'
  • cam 'glass'
  • cep 'pocket'
  • cop 'stick, club, truncheon'
  • çan 'bell, gong'
  • çit 'hedge, piece of cloth'
  • çöp 'garbage'
  • çul 'haircloth, horsecloth'
  • dam 'roof, small shelter'
  • dek 'trick'
  • düş 'dream'
  • el 'hand, stranger, tribe'
  • em 'medicine'
  • et 'meat'
  • ev 'house'
  • gem 'bit (of a bridle)'
  • göç 'migration'
  • gön 'tanned leather'
  • güç 'power, difficult'
  • halk 'people, folk'
  • han 'khan'
  • hap 'pill'
  • harç 'mortar'
  • harp 'war'
  • hav 'down (of animals)'
  • iğ 'spindle'
  • il 'province, country'
  • im 'sign'
  • in 'den (of animal), cave'
  • ip 'rope'
  • iş 'work'
  • it 'dog'
  • iz 'footprint, track, evidence (fig.)'
  • ırk 'race, lineage'
  • ırz 'honor, chastity'
  • ıs 'owner' (archaic)
  • kap 'pot, container'
  • kat 'story, floor, layer'
  • kel 'bald, bare, ringworm'
  • kent 'town, city'
  • kes 'thick straw for burning'
  • keş 'skim-milk cheese' (< French?)
  • kın 'sheath'
  • koç 'ram'
  • kov 'gossip'
  • koz 'opportunity, walnut'
  • kös 'a big drum'
  • köy 'village'
  • kul 'slave'
  • kurk 'broody hen'
  • kurt 'worm, wolf'
  • kuş 'bird'
  • küp 'large earthenware jar'
  • kürk 'fur'
  • mal 'property, herd (of cattle)'
  • meç 'piece of hair, rapier'
  • mey 'wine' (archaic)
  • mıh 'nail' (loanword?)
  • mum 'candle, wax'
  • ok 'arrow'
  • oy 'opinion, vote'
  • öç 'revenge'
  • ör 'fence, barrier' (rare)
  • örs 'anvil'
  • pak 'clean, pure, holy'
  • pal 'a species of pigeon'
  • pas 'rust'
  • pul 'scale, flake, stamp'
  • put 'idol'
  • sal 'raft'
  • san 'reputation, title'
  • sav 'word, assertion, statement'
  • saz 'reed, stringed instrument'
  • set 'barrier, dam, terrace'
  • sin 'grave, tomb; age' (archaic)
  • sır 'secret, glaze (on pottery)'
  • soy 'race, lineage, breed'
  • sur 'city wall, rampart'[1]
  • söz 'word'
  • suç 'crime'
  • süs 'ornament'
  • süt 'milk'
  • şap 'alum'
  • şan 'glory, renown'
  • şom 'inauspicious, bad luck'
  • taç 'crown'
  • tav 'annealing, correct condition (for process)'
  • tay 'foal, coat; equal'
  • tel 'thread, wire'
  • tin 'spirit, soul (philosophy)' (< Arabic?)
  • tığ 'hooked/knitting needle, awl'
  • tıp 'science of medicine'
  • top 'ball'
  • tor 'wild, raw; fine-meshed net'
  • toy 'feast, immature'
  • tuğ 'horsetail crest/plume (sign of rank)'
  • tunç 'bronze'
  • türk 'Turk'
  • tüy 'feather'
  • un 'flour'
  • us 'mind, reason'
  • ut 'shame, shamefulness; lute'
  • ün 'voice, fame'
  • yağ 'fat'
  • yad 'stranger, enemy'
  • yal 'mash/gruel for dogs/cattle' (rare)
  • yat 'armor, arms' (archaic)
  • yay 'bow'
  • yem 'fodder, bait'
  • yen 'cuff, sleeve'
  • yiv 'groove, flute (of column)'
  • yır 'song'
  • yol 'road'
  • yoz 'wild, uncultivated, undomesticated'
  • yurt 'home, homeland'
  • yük 'load, burden'
  • yün 'wool'
  • zil 'cymbal, bell'

Animals and pastoralism

  • ağ 'net'
  • aş 'cooked food'
  • at 'horse'
  • av 'hunt'
  • bal 'honey'
  • bit 'louse'
  • çul 'haircloth, horsecloth'
  • et 'meat'
  • gem 'bit (of a bridle)'
  • göç 'migration'
  • gön 'tanned leather'
  • hav 'down (of animals)'
  • in 'den (of animal), cave'
  • iz 'footprint, track, evidence (fig.)'
  • it 'dog'
  • kel 'bald, bare, ringworm'
  • kes 'thick straw for burning'
  • keş 'skim-milk cheese' (< French?)
  • koç 'ram'
  • kurk 'broody hen'
  • kurt 'worm, wolf'
  • kuş 'bird'
  • kürk 'fur'
  • lor 'goat's milk curd'
  • mal 'property, herd (of cattle)'
  • ok 'arrow'
  • pal 'a species of pigeon'
  • süt 'milk'
  • tay 'foal, coat; equal'
  • tüy 'feather'
  • un 'flour'
  • yağ 'fat'
  • yal 'mash/gruel for dogs/cattle' (rare)
  • yem 'fodder, bait'
  • yol 'road'
  • yük 'load, burden'
  • yün 'wool'

Material culture


(Does not include pastoralism-related technology.)

  • bel 'waist, spade'
  • cam 'glass'
  • cep 'pocket'
  • cop 'stick, club, truncheon'
  • çan 'bell, gong'
  • çit 'hedge, piece of cloth'
  • em 'medicine'
  • hap 'pill'
  • harç 'mortar'
  • iğ 'spindle'
  • ip 'rope'
  • kal 'smelting'
  • kap 'pot, container'
  • kın 'sheath'
  • kös 'a big drum'
  • küp 'large earthenware jar'
  • meç 'piece of hair, rapier'
  • mey 'wine' (archaic)
  • mıh 'nail' (loanword?)
  • mum 'candle, wax'
  • örs 'anvil'
  • pas 'rust'
  • pul 'scale, flake, stamp'
  • put 'idol'
  • sal 'raft'
  • saz 'reed, stringed instrument'
  • set 'barrier, dam, terrace'
  • sır 'secret, glaze (on pottery)'
  • süs 'ornament'
  • şap 'alum'
  • tav 'annealing, correct condition (for process)'
  • tel 'thread, wire'
  • tığ 'hooked/knitting needle, awl'
  • tıp 'science of medicine'
  • top 'ball'
  • tor 'wild, raw; fine-meshed net'
  • tunç 'bronze'
  • ut 'shame, shamefulness; lute'
  • yat 'armor, arms' (archaic)
  • yay 'bow'
  • yen 'cuff, sleeve'
  • yiv 'groove, flute (of column)'
  • zil 'cymbal, bell'


  • çöp 'garbage'
  • dam 'roof, small shelter'
  • ev 'house'
  • kat 'story, floor, layer'
  • kent 'town, city'
  • köy 'village'
  • ör 'fence, barrier' (rare)
  • sur 'city wall, rampart'[1]


  • alp 'hero'
  • ar 'shame'
  • bağ 'bond, bandage, vineyard'
  • borç 'debt, loan'
  • el 'hand, stranger, tribe'
  • güç 'power, difficult'
  • halk 'people, folk'
  • han 'khan'
  • harp 'war'
  • il 'province, country'
  • ırk 'race, lineage'
  • ırz 'honor, chastity'
  • ıs 'owner' (archaic)
  • kov 'gossip'
  • kul 'slave'
  • oy 'opinion, vote'
  • öç 'revenge'
  • pak 'clean, pure, holy'
  • san 'reputation, title'
  • sav 'word, assertion, statement'
  • sin 'grave, tomb; age' (archaic)
  • soy 'race, lineage, breed'
  • söz 'word'
  • suç 'crime'
  • şan 'glory, renown'
  • şom 'inauspicious, bad luck'
  • taç 'crown'
  • toy 'feast, immature'
  • tuğ 'horsetail crest/plume (sign of rank)'
  • ut 'shame, shamefulness; lute'
  • ün 'voice, fame'
  • yad 'stranger, enemy'
  • yır 'song'
  • yurt 'home, homeland'


  • dek 'trick'
  • düş 'dream'
  • im 'sign'
  • iş 'work'
  • koz 'opportunity, walnut'
  • tin 'spirit, soul (philosophy)' (< Arabic?)


  • ad 'name'
  • bay 'gentleman'
  • cet 'grandfather, ancestor'
  • döl 'seed, offspring'
  • dul 'widow'
  • er 'male'
  • eş 'spouse, mate'
  • genç 'young'
  • kız 'girl'
  • piç 'illegitimate child'


  • ben 'I'
  • biz 'we'
  • o 'he, it'
  • sen 'you'
  • siz 'you all'


  • bin 'thousand'
  • bir 'one'
  • beş 'five'
  • dört 'four'
  • kırk 'forty; large indefinite number/quantity'
  • on 'ten'
  • üç 'three'
  • yüz 'hundred, face, reason'


  • bol 'plentiful'
  • boş 'empty, free'
  • boy 'height, stature, length'
  • çap 'diameter'
  • dar 'narrow'
  • dev 'giant'
  • dik 'perpendicular, straight'
  • düz 'straight, flat'
  • ek 'extension, appendage'
  • gen 'wide, vast, uncultivated'
  • tul 'length'

Basic quantities

  • az 'few'
  • çok 'many'
  • en 'huge, most'
  • gür 'abundant, dense'
  • hep 'all, whole'
  • her 'every, each'
  • hiç 'never'
  • kaç 'how many'
  • kıt 'scarce, insufficient'
  • küm 'small heap' (rare)
  • tam 'entire'
  • tek 'single'
  • tüm 'all, entire'


  • alt 'bottom'
  • an 'boundary, mind, perception'
  • bu 'this'
  • çat 'junction, intersection; sudden, sharp noise'
  • dip 'bottom'
  • dış 'out'
  • hat 'line'
  • iç 'inside'
  • kuz 'shadowy, shady (side)'
  • ön 'front'
  • peş 'back, rear'
  • sağ 'right'
  • sol 'left'
  • şev 'slope'
  • şu 'that'
  • ters 'reverse'
  • uç 'tip, end'
  • uz 'suitable, able; far'
  • üs 'base, foundation'
  • üst 'top'
  • yan 'side'
  • yön 'direction, angle'


  • çağ 'time, era'
  • dem 'breath, moment'
  • dün 'yesterday'
  • es 'rest (music)'
  • gün 'day'
  • güz 'autumn'
  • ilk 'first'
  • kez 'times (repetitions)'
  • kış 'winter'
  • son 'last'
  • tün 'night' (archaic)
  • yaz 'summer'
  • yıl 'year'


  • cız 'hissing sound'
  • çat 'junction, intersection; sudden, sharp noise'
  • çıt 'light cracking sound'
  • güm 'booming sound'
  • küt 'blunt, short and thick, knocking sound'
  • pes 'low, soft (voice); defeated'
  • pır 'whizzing, whirring'
  • pıt 'sound of dripping water'
  • şak 'sharp cracking sound'
  • ses 'sound'
  • tiz 'high-pitched sound'
  • vık 'squeak'
  • vın 'humming'
  • vır 'nagging'
  • vız 'buzz'

Descriptive words

  • aç 'hungry, greedy'
  • ak 'white'
  • al 'red, trick'
  • arz 'presentation'
  • bön 'silly'
  • bun 'anxiety, crisis' (rare)
  • çın 'true'
  • çor 'illness, worry' (rare)
  • den 'tact'
  • dert 'trouble'
  • geç 'late'
  • giz 'secret'
  • görk 'beauty' (rare)
  • güç 'power, difficult'
  • ham 'unripe, raw'
  • has 'special, personal, pure'
  • hal 'condition, attitude, strength'
  • haz 'pleasure'
  • his 'sense, feeling'
  • hız 'speed'
  • hoş 'pleasing'
  • höl 'dampness'
  • huy 'habit, character'
  • hür 'free'
  • kaz 'stupid, goose'
  • kel 'bald, bare, ringworm'
  • kem 'bad, evil, deficient'
  • kör 'blind, dull'
  • küt 'blunt, short and thick, knocking sound'
  • mas 'sucking, absorbing'
  • mor 'purple'
  • öl 'wetness'
  • öz 'pure, essence'
  • pek 'hard, very much'
  • pes 'low, soft (voice); defeated'
  • pis 'dirty'
  • sağ 'alive, healthy'
  • sak 'alert, vigilant' (dialect)
  • sarp 'steep, difficult'
  • sert 'hard, violent'
  • sığ 'shallow, sandbank'
  • sık 'dense'
  • sır 'secret', 'glaze' (on pottery)
  • şart 'condition'
  • şer 'evil'
  • şiş 'skewer, swollen'
  • terk 'abandonment'
  • tez 'quick, prompt'
  • tok 'saturated, full'
  • tor 'wild, raw; fine-meshed net'
  • toy 'feast, immature'
  • tür 'kind, type, species'
  • uz 'suitable, able; far'
  • yaş 'damp, fresh'
  • yoz 'wild, uncultivated, undomesticated'
  • zor 'difficult'

Function words

  • ait 'pertaining to'
  • hem 'also, furthermore'
  • kim 'who'
  • ne 'what'
  • var 'existential'
  • ve 'and'
  • yok 'negative existential'


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Also means 'wedding' (archaic), 'good luck, success', 'trumpet'.

See also
