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From Ancient Greek γοργόνειον (gorgóneion), neuter of γοργόνειος (gorgóneios, pertaining to a gorgon).

The moon was named after the pendant, because of its association with the Greek goddess Athena (and thus with her Roman equivalent, Minerva).

Proper noun[edit]


  1. (Greek mythology) The head of the gorgon Medusa.
    • 2000, Extract from [1840, Lewis, Donaldson (translators)], K. O. Müller, Introduction to A Scientific Study of Mythology, Burton Feldman, Robert D. Richardson (editors), The Rise of Modern Mythology, 1680-1860, Indiana University Press, page 419,
      On returning home, he[Perseus] turns Polydectes and his people to stone, and then gives the Gorgoneion to his protectress Athena, who fixes it upon her shield.
  2. (Greek mythology) A pendant, worn by the goddess Athena, which features an image of Medusa's head.
  3. (astronomy) The smaller and closer-orbiting of the two moons of the main-belt asteroid 93 Minerva.
    Synonym: S/(93) 2 Gorgoneion