Dangling tearoom templates

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Bequw
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How would we know that someone didn't add the template to the entry, but forgot to create the TR section?

Bequw τ00:47, 25 June 2010

Hmm, if the template was added recently (say within the last week) we should probably drop a note on the talk page of the user who added the template. Other than that we should just get rid of it, if can be added again after all. I say this because we can't know why the template was added. It's not like an rfv where it's clear what is being asked, and especially on large entries listing it on the rft page without will not lead to much (if anything) more useful than "huh?".

We could parse the archives and see if there is a match to the title there, but I don't know much effort that would be (there would only be a need to look in the archive covering the period ~4 months after the tag was placed if that helps). We could list any that don't match separately, and try and figure out why they were listed, however I'm not sure how successful we'd be with that (per my previous paragraph). Thryduulf (talk) 01:16, 25 June 2010 (UTC)

Thryduulf (talk)01:16, 25 June 2010

It's a good idea, but I'm not setup to scan page histories. Try the GP.

Bequw τ02:42, 25 June 2010

Now at the Grease Pit.

As an aside, this is my first real conversation on a liquid threads page, and I'm finding less convenient than a standard talk page due to several niggles, particularly the inability to copy markup and signatures, the lack of popups and the edittools paging not working.

I'm also not a fan of the way the fact that I have new messages (which may or may not relate to a conversation I'm having) demands attention as the most important thing on my screen.

A nice idea, but not ready yet imo. Thryduulf (talk) 09:00, 25 June 2010 (UTC)

Thryduulf (talk)09:00, 25 June 2010

Hopefully we'll be able to get our local site JS (edittools & popups) working. We wouldn't use it anywhere prominent until things like that are ready. I like that on my watchlist it shows the # of "messages" above the pages. If/When all discussion pages use them, it would provide a nice separation between watching discussions and watching normal page changes.

Bequw τ15:51, 25 June 2010

I'm finding Liquid thread s to be highly confusing. I get them popping up demanding my attention, but I often have no context whatsoever as to what the thread is about. Titles of threads here have never been especially informative, because the conversation can veer off in any direction. Now, I can't easily look back to see what the conversation was supposed to be about. And, once I've cleared threads that I've read, I have no idea where they went in the event that I need to look at them again. --EncycloPetey 21:09, 27 June 2010 (UTC)

EncycloPetey21:09, 27 June 2010

Do you see the "full thread" and "from ..." on the left-hand side under each thread's "Mark as read" button. Those are helpful.

Bequw τ21:12, 27 June 2010

That's another thing. I have to scroll to the bottom of page to see the latest additions to thread, then I have to scroll back to the top to mark it read, only to scroll down to read the next thread that demands my attention.

There also appears to be no way to mark a thread as not being relevant to me. If I'm watching a page, it assumes that all new messages on that page are messages for me. If I'm not watching a page then I don't get notification of changes on my watchlist, nor do I find out about any messages that are directed at me. While this binary watching is the same as normal talk pages, I get to see them appear in my watchlist when I want to look at my watchlist, and a quick mouse over the history link lets me see the edit summaries so I can tell whether there has been any discussion on topics I'm interested in without needing to load the page, and explicitly mark everything as read.

While the idea of liquid threads is good, there is still too much development work to be done to let them loose on a live wiki imho. Thryduulf (talk) 22:56, 27 June 2010 (UTC)

Thryduulf (talk)22:56, 27 June 2010

Are you aware that if the talk page is unwatched, individual threads can be watched? All threads that you create or participate in will be watched automatically.

Yair rand (talk)23:23, 27 June 2010

I don't want to watch specific threads, I want to watch pages rather than threads, as I've always previously been able to do, as this matches the way that I interact with the site (which vista, liquid threads, etc, all seem to be telling me is invalid).

If liquid threads is forced upon me, then I want the ability to watch the page for new threads, but unwatch the ones that don't interest me. This functionality (as best I can tell) doesn't exist.

Thryduulf (talk)23:37, 27 June 2010

Agreed. I'd like this as well.

Bequw τ06:16, 28 June 2010

Also, why do I have to mark a thread as read when I've replied to it? Surely the reply indicates that I've read it?

When I have marked the thread as read, if I then click on the thread title I'm taken to a 404 page that suggests I look at the main page - not helpful in the slightest.

Thryduulf (talk)23:39, 27 June 2010

As yet another bug, the link marked "full thread" doesn't show me the full thread, it shows me the index of threads, with just the first handful of messages shown. Even if I click to show all the replies after this point, I'm not given the opportunity of marking the thread read.

Thryduulf (talk)23:42, 27 June 2010

Both of these last two posts are spot on. It would be good to catalog the annoyances (maybe on Wiktionary talk:LiquidThreads testing (which doesn't use LQT) and then see which have been filed as bugs. We could see how fast (if) these are fixed.

Bequw τ06:18, 28 June 2010

Now noted at Wiktionary talk:LiquidThreads testing. Thryduulf (talk) 08:49, 28 June 2010 (UTC)

Thryduulf (talk)08:49, 28 June 2010

It seems way more intrusive than what I am accustomed to. I had liked to watch for topics on user talk pages. If the user has this enabled, it doesn't seem worth the trouble.

DCDuring TALK23:39, 27 June 2010

For anyone wanting to disable the New Messages box on the Watchlist, I've just posted instructions at Help:Customizing your skin. The count still shows up in your header, but it makes your Watchlist more readable.

Bequw τ20:46, 30 June 2010