Why did you remove the Sexagenary cycle category I created?

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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Last edit: 03:37, 28 September 2014

Indeed you got it mostly right. I might add that the Heavenly Stems usually go with the Earthly Branches when it comes to naming years. For example, this year is called "Giáp Ngọ" ("Giáp" is a stem and "Ngọ" is a branch). The next year is "Ất Mùi", in which "Ất" follows "Giáp" and "Mùi" follows "Ngọ", and so on. By the way, I wonder if anyone of you can create a category for this kind of page, such as giờ Mùi, giờ Tuất, giờ Hợi, etc.?

Fumiko Take (talk)02:37, 28 September 2014

Yes, I was misreading the table I was looking at. Both stems and branches increment at the same rate, with the difference of 2 in the length of the lists ensuring the cycle of 60, and preventing an even-numbered stem from ever coinciding with an odd-numbered branch, or vice-versa. I have no clue why it took me three tries to get it right... <sigh>

Chuck Entz (talk)03:27, 28 September 2014