Having an e-mail address

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Kephir
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Good to know I am succeeding at something (in at least one person's eyes…)

I just never bothered to set up an address under this identity. Main problem being the choice of provider. I am not very enthusiastic about having a Google account, and I have used up most other viable alternatives already. It does bite me from time to time (like when I am unable to participate in Bugzilla), but not to the point of me doing anything about it.

Oh well. You need it for anything? The quasi-policy by itself does not bother me too much. (Is there any policy besides WT:ELE that we treat seriously here?)

Keφr23:15, 1 November 2014

Ah, not the reason I expected! I mainly find myself annoyed by systems that *don't* accept e-mail and require something else (e.g. Facebook or other proprietary non-standard system). If you're genuinely having trouble finding a free (throwaway or otherwise) mail account then you're welcome to have one on one of my domains; I've had some of them for about 15 years now, scarily enough, so they tend to stay around.

I don't need it for anything but I had considered sending you an e-mail :) Lucky escape.

Equinox 23:19, 1 November 2014