thank you for destroying the CJK tables

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thank you for destroying the CJK tables

I went painstakingly through them all to make sure they used {{unihan line}} so you could actually see the characters. Now that you use the module, all people will see (including me) is squares.

Liliana 09:26, 30 May 2014

It works for me.

The "all people" claim may be an exaggeration.

The module apparently picks the "Hans" script instead of "Hani". Maybe this is the issue?

Keφr09:33, 30 May 2014

They shouldn't use Hans. They are not specifically Simplified Chinese.

Liliana 09:38, 30 May 2014

They are Hani now. Can you see them (after purging)?

Keφr09:52, 30 May 2014


Liliana 11:08, 30 May 2014

Then we seem to have a problem with Hans. Either get rid of it or fix the stylesheet.

Keφr18:37, 30 May 2014

Browsers are too smart. When they see Hans, they'll try to apply a Simplified Chinese font, even though the choice might not be the smartest.

Liliana 12:34, 31 May 2014

But they do so because of our styles for .Hans. This is a regular CSS class, its assigned fonts can be changed. Question is, to what. And whether.

Keφr14:22, 31 May 2014

Eh, I just noticed I have a custom hack in my CSS, that works by specifiying Ext-B fonts first and then regular CJK fonts. I don't know why it works (must be black magic) but it does.

Liliana 15:46, 31 May 2014