Problem with the translation editor

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The problem is caused by the new format containing an additional colon: one right after "subst" and another right after "#invoke", instead of just one for subst. In the old format, the second colon was always right after the language name ("{{subst:fr}}:"), which is what the script used for delineating where the new translation actually starts, and what has to be added even if a line for that language already exists. One solution that comes to mind is replacing the var wt = wikitext.replace('subst:',''); lines with var wt = wikitext.replace('subst:#invoke:','');, but I don't know what other effects that might have.

Yair rand (talk)03:40, 30 May 2013

Can you try it?

CodeCat12:09, 30 May 2013

Done. The types of edits that were causing problems last time seem to be working fine now, but there still might be problems in other areas.

Yair rand (talk)21:31, 2 June 2013

Ok, thank you.

CodeCat21:32, 2 June 2013