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Old Czech




Inherited from Proto-Slavic *ľubiti.


  • IPA(key): (13th CE) /ˈluːbici/
  • IPA(key): (15th CE) /ˈliːbici/



ľúbiti impf

  1. to like, to love
    Synonym: milovati
  2. to kiss
    Synonyms: ľúbati, cělovati
    • 15th century, Hynek z Poděbrad, Neuberský sborník[1]:
      Tuť mě líbila ústky přepěknými,
      rukama bílýma a přeušlechtilými
      mnoho nastokrát mě obchycujíc,
      praviec, že nad mě nemiluje nic.
      Then she kissed me with her beautiful mouth
      with her white and noble hands
      hugging me many times
      saying she didn't like anything more than me.
  3. (reflexive with ) to please [with dative ‘someone’] (idiomatically translated by English like with subject and object reversed)
    • 1469, Kronika trojánská[2]:
      A čím naň viece patřieše, tiem se jí viece líbieše a v jeho milování viece a viece se zapaluje.
      The more she looked at him, the more she liked him and the more she burns for his love.



Derived terms



  • Czech: líbit

Further reading
