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From Proto-Balto-Slavic *źibḗˀtei, cognate with Latvian zibēt (to shine), and further related to Latvian zibt (to sparkle), Latvian zibens (lightning). Further origin outside of Baltic unclear;[1] the root hypothetically traces back to a Proto-Indo-European *ǵ⁽ʰ⁾e(y)b⁽ʰ⁾-, with no certain non-Baltic cognates. Fraenkel suggests cognacy with Proto-Germanic *kaibaz (fierce, lively);[2] note also potential formal and semantic similarities with Persian زیبیدَن (zibidan, to adorn, embellish).

By surface analysis, from the zero-grade of žiẽbti (to light (a match, lamp, etc.); to strike, rush; to wear clothes).[3]


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žibė́ti (third-person present tense žìba, third-person past tense žibė́jo)[4]

  1. to glow, shine
    Synonym: švytėti



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Derived terms



  1. ^ žibėti”, in Lietuvių kalbos etimologinio žodyno duomenų bazė [Lithuanian etymological dictionary database], 2007–2012
  2. ^ Fraenkel, Ernst (1955, 1962–1965) “žibė́ti”, in Litauisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, volume II, Heidelberg-Göttingen: Carl Winter and Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, page 1304
  3. ^ Smoczyński, Wojciech (2007) “žiẽbti”, in Słownik etymologiczny je̜zyka litewskiego[1] (in Polish), Vilnius: Uniwersytet Wileński, pages 780-1
  4. ^ žibėti”, in Lietuvių kalbos žodynas [Dictionary of the Lithuanian language], lkz.lt, 1941–2024