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щыгъэзыен (śəğɛzəjen) (transitive)

  1. to put away something to another place/spot (usually to a small distance away)
    Кӏалэм анэр шегъэзые — The boy is moving the table.
    Анэр хьакӏэщым шыгъэзыйMove the table to the living room.
    Анэр шызгъэзыешъурэп унашъхьэмI am not capable of moving the table to the roof.
    Анэу о шыбгъэзыйгъэм сыфай — I want the table you moved.
    Мы шхынхэр шъо шышъугъэзыещт.You (plural) gonna move these dinners.
    Анэр пыкӏэм шыгъэзыий сыблэгъэкӏMove the table away from the door and let me pass.

See also
