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From aylan- (to turn, rotate), which is a reflexive form of ayla- (to turn, rotate). The latter is attested in a few modern languages (Turkmen, Southern Altay). Further derivation is debatable.

Cognate with Kazakh айналу (ainalu) (with metathesis), Kyrgyz айлануу (aylanuu), Kumyk айланмакъ (aylanmaq), Karachay-Balkar айланыргъа (aylanırğa), Uzbek aylanmoq, Khakas айланарға (aylanarğa), Crimean Tatar aylanmak, Turkmen aýlanmak, Azerbaijani aylanmaq, Turkish aylanmak (to turn, rotate).





әйләнеү (transliteration needed)

  1. (intransitive) to turn, rotate, revolve, spin
    Synonym: өйөрөлөү
  2. (ambitransitive) to go around, walk/drive/travel around sth.
  3. (intransitive) to go somewhere and then return
  4. (intransitive, takes object in dative case) turn into
    Һыу боҙға әйләнде.
    Water turned into ice.