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Dictionnaire du faisceau dialectal arabe andalou suggests univerbation of Egyptian wdḥ (to inject, to sprinkle, to pour out) with another word left to guess.





وَدَج (wadajm (plural أَوْدَاج (ʔawdāj))

  1. jugular vein



Alternative forms


Derived terms

  • وَدَجَ (wadaja, to cut the jugular)
  • وَدَّجَ (waddaja, to cut the jugular)



وَدَجَ (wadaja) I (non-past يَدِجُ (yadiju), verbal noun وَدْج (wadj))

  1. to cut the jugular





وَدَّجَ (waddaja) II (non-past يُوَدِّجُ (yuwaddiju), verbal noun تَوْدِيج (tawdīj))

  1. to cut the jugular
    • c. 1200, يحيى بن محمد بن أحمد بن العوام [yaḥyā ibn muḥammad ibn ʔaḥmad ibn al-ʕawwām], edited by José Antonio Banqueri, كتاب الفلاحة [Book on Agriculture], volume 2, Madrid: Imprenta Real, published 1802IA, Cap. 33, Art. 9, page 673:
      فإذا أَرَدتَ فتح عرق أو وداج فخذ المبضع بين إصبعك الإبهام والسبّابة كأخذك القلم للكتابة به وليكن نصابه في راحتك وتخرج من رأسه خارج طرفي إصبعك المذكورين قدر طول ظفر إبهامك وأقلّ من ذلك إلى قدر نصف ظفر إبهامك ثم أفتح العرق إلى فوق شقّا بليغا برفق وخفّة. وأمّا التوديج يالقضيب وهو معلوم فتركب فيه المبضع وتخرج من طرفه خارج من القضيب قدر طول ظفر إبهامك، ولا تعجل بالضرب بالمبضع حتّى تقف على العرق بعينه وخاصة الوداجين، ولا تودّج حتّى تستوثق من الدابّة بالشكل والزيار ليألُ يضطرب وتختنق الدابّة بالخناق خنقا شديدا ليدرّ العرق. فإنّ ذلك موضوع خبيث وإن جاوزت يدك ربّما أصاب المبضع عرق الماء وهو المريء الدابّة فقتله.
      If you want to open a vein or jugular, take the scalpel between your thumb and index finger, take it like you take the quill for writing with it, so that its grip is in your palm, and you turn away from its head outwith the two tips of your said fingers by a length of the nail of your thumb and less than that by a half of the nail of your thumb, then you open the vein upwards making a sufficient cut with gentleness and levity. And what concerns the cutting the jugular with the known rod, you mount the scalpel in it and you move away from the rod’s tip by the length of the nail of your thumb, but don’t hasten with hitting with the scalpel until you have discerned the vein by its eye, particularly the two jugulars, and don’t do a jugular cut until you have provided for the security of the beast by hopples and a twitch, so you do not agitate or suffocate the beast at its throat by excessive choking, so the vein flows with abundance. This part being particularly perilous, if your hand go to far then the scalpel could hit the water vein [or windpipe], that is the oesophaghus of the beast, and it would kill it.





وَدْج (wadjm

  1. verbal noun of وَدَجَ (wadaja) (form I)




  • Corriente, Federico, Pereira, Christophe, Vicente, Angeles, editors (2017), Dictionnaire du faisceau dialectal arabe andalou. Perspectives phraséologiques et étymologiques (in French), Berlin: De Gruyter, →ISBN, page 1337
  • Dozy, Reinhart Pieter Anne (1881) “ودج”, in Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes[1] (in French), volume 2, Leiden: E. J. Brill, page 791
  • Freytag, Georg (1837) “ودج”, in Lexicon arabico-latinum praesertim ex Djeuharii Firuzabadiique et aliorum Arabum operibus adhibitis Golii quoque et aliorum libris confectum[2] (in Latin), volume 4, Halle: C. A. Schwetschke, pages 448–449
  • Lane, Edward William (1863) “ودج”, in Arabic-English Lexicon[3], London: Williams & Norgate, page 2932
  • Steingass, Francis Joseph (1884) “ودج”, in The Student's Arabic–English Dictionary[4], London: W.H. Allen, page 1205
  • Wehr, Hans with Kropfitsch, Lorenz (1985) “ودج”, in Arabisches Wörterbuch für die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart[5] (in German), 5th edition, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, published 2011, →ISBN, page 1386