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Compare Pali cikkhalla.



𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮 (cikkhillam (Devanagari चिक्खिल्ल, Kannada ಚಿಕ್ಖಿಲ್ಲ) (Māhārāṣṭrī)

  1. mud
    • c. 200 CE – 600 CE, Hāla, Gāhā Sattasaī 324:
      𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮-𑀔𑀼𑀢𑁆𑀢𑀳𑀮𑀫𑀼𑀳𑀓𑀟𑁆𑀠𑀡𑀲𑀺𑀠𑀺𑀮𑁂 𑀧𑀇𑀫𑁆𑀫𑀺 𑀧𑀸𑀲𑀼𑀢𑁆𑀢𑁂
      𑀅𑀧𑁆𑀧𑀢𑁆𑀢𑀫𑁄𑀳𑀡𑀲𑀼𑀳𑀸 𑀖𑀡𑀲𑀫𑀅𑀁 𑀧𑀸𑀫𑀭𑀻 𑀲𑀯𑀇
      cikkhilla-khuttahalamuhakaḍḍhaṇasiḍhile païmmi pāsutte
      appattamohaṇasuhā ghaṇasamaaṃ pāmarī savaï
      • 2009 translation by Peter Khoroche and Herman Tieken
        When he fell asleep, exhausted after a day of dragging the plough through thick mud,
        His wife, angry at missing the pleasures of love, cursed the rainy season.
    • c. 700 CE, Anonymous, Maṇipati-Carita 242:
      𑀉𑀘𑁆𑀙𑀽 𑀩𑁄𑀮𑀺𑀁𑀢𑀺 𑀯𑀇𑀁 𑀢𑀼𑀁𑀩𑀻𑀑 𑀚𑀸𑀬-𑀧𑀼𑀢𑁆𑀢-𑀪𑀁𑀟𑀸𑀑 𑀯𑀲𑀳𑀸 𑀚𑀸𑀬-𑀢𑁆𑀣𑀸𑀫𑀸 𑀕𑀸𑀫𑀸 𑀧𑀯𑁆𑀯𑀸𑀬𑀸-𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮
      ucchū boliṃti vaïṃ tuṃbīo jāya-putta-bhaṃḍāo vasahā jāya-tthāmā gāmā pavvāyā-cikkhilla
      The sugar-cane is outstripping its hedge; the gourds are plump-bellied; the oxen are full of vigour; and in the villages the wind has dried up the mud.


Maharastri declension of 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮 (masculine)
singular plural
Nominative 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑁄 (cikkhillo) 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀸 (cikkhillā)
Accusative 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀁 (cikkhillaṃ) 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑁂 (cikkhille) or 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀸 (cikkhillā)
Instrumental 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑁂𑀡 (cikkhilleṇa) or 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑁂𑀡𑀁 (cikkhilleṇaṃ) 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑁂𑀳𑀺 (cikkhillehi) or 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑁂𑀳𑀺𑀁 (cikkhillehiṃ)
Dative 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀸𑀅 (cikkhillāa)
Ablative 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀸𑀑 (cikkhillāo) or 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀸𑀉 (cikkhillāu) or 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀸 (cikkhillā) or 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀸𑀳𑀺 (cikkhillāhi) or 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀸𑀳𑀺𑀁𑀢𑁄 (cikkhillāhiṃto)
Genitive 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀲𑁆𑀲 (cikkhillassa) 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀸𑀡 (cikkhillāṇa) or 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀸𑀡𑀁 (cikkhillāṇaṃ)
Locative 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀫𑁆𑀫𑀺 (cikkhillammi) or 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑁂 (cikkhille) 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑁂𑀲𑀼 (cikkhillesu) or 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑁂𑀲𑀼𑀁 (cikkhillesuṃ)
Vocative 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮 (cikkhilla) or 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀸 (cikkhillā) 𑀘𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀸 (cikkhillā)

Alternative forms

  • *𑀘𑀺𑀳𑀮𑁆𑀮 (*cihalla)
    • *𑀘𑀺𑀳𑀮𑁆𑀮-𑀓 (*cihalla-ka)




  • Sheth, Hargovind Das T[rikamcand] (1923-1928) “चिक्खल्ल”, in पाइअ-सद्द-महण्णवो [pāia-sadda-mahaṇṇavo, Ocean of Prakrit words] (in Hindi), Calcutta: [Published by the Author].
  • Turner, Ralph Lilley (1969–1985) “cikhalla”, in A Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages, London: Oxford University Press
  • R. Williams, editor (1959), Two Prakrit Versions Of The Maṇipati-Carita[1], Bristol: Burleigh Press, page 62