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Old Church Slavonic


From Proto-Slavic *kvasъ. See also Old Armenian քացախ (kʻacʻax, vinegar).


квасъ (kvasŭm

  1. leaven
    • Лук. 13:20-21 from Сав. кн.:
      комоу ꙋподоблѫ цр͠ствие бж҃ие· подобьно естъ къвасоу иже приимъши жена: съкръі въ мѫцѣ· доньдеже въкъісе вса·
      komu upodoblǫ cr͠stvie bž:ie· podobĭno estŭ kŭvasu iže priimŭši žena: sŭkry vŭ mǫcě· donĭdeže vŭkyse vsa·
      Unto what shall I liken the Kingdom of God? It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal until the whole was leavened.