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Perhaps a variant of Apollonia.

Proper noun



  1. A female given name
    • 1984, The Genealogist:
      Another daughter, Appalonia, may have died between 1821, when she was named as a distributee, and the actual transfer in 1824, []
    • 1993, Holly S. McClure, Island Magic, Thomas Bouregy & Company, →ISBN:
      "My mother and Appalonia were stepsisters. Appalonia's mother died when she was twelve, and my grandfather remarried a much younger woman. Appalonia was sixteen and almost ready to leave the house when my mother was born, [] "
    • 2016, Joe A. Creath, Sister Mildred Hit Harder, AuthorHouse, →ISBN:
      Sister Appalonia was the Mother Superior. She was maybe five foot two but she was sturdy and strong.