Appendix:English pronunciations of years

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This page explains how various years are pronounced in English when read aloud.

list of pronunciations

year possible pronunciations
1 BC / 1 BCE (the year) one B C, (the year) one B C E; (the year) one before Christ, (the year) one before the Common Era
1 (the year) one; (the year) one of the Common Era (CE), Anno Domini one
235 two thirty-five, two hundred (and) thirty-five; two-three-five
999 nine ninety-nine, nine hundred (and) ninety-nine; nine-nine-nine
1000 one thousand; ten hundred
1001 ten oh-one, one thousand (and) one
1050 ten fifty
1225 twelve twenty-five
1900 nineteen hundred
1901 nineteen oh-one; Nineteen hundred (and) one
1919 nineteen nineteen; nineteen hundred (and) nineteen
1999 nineteen ninety-nine; nineteen hundred (and) ninety-nine
2000 two thousand
2001 two thousand (and) one, twenty oh-one
2009 two thousand (and) nine, twenty oh-nine
2010 twenty-ten, two thousand (and) ten
2013 twenty-thirteen, two thousand (and) thirteen
2020 twenty-twenty, two thousand (and) twenty
2025 twenty twenty-five, two thousand (and) twenty five
2099 twenty ninety-nine, two thousand (and) ninety-nine
2100 twenty-one hundred, two thousand one hundred
2101 twenty-one-oh-one, two thousand one hundred (and) one; twenty one hundred (and) one