Appendix:Gikun Usage in Meiji Version of Japanese Bible/狡猾し

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Kanji in this term
Hyōgai Hyōgai



Gikun word derived by applying Chinese-derived spelling 狡猾 (craftiness), a term which decomposes into (crafty) + (sly), to native Japanese word さがし (sagashi) thus denoting cleverness in surreptitious behavior (subtil).



狡猾 (さが)[1] (saga.shi, classical form of さが.しい, saga.shii) → (さが)しい (sagashī), ()(ざか)しい (kozakashī)

  1. subtil (clever in surreptitious behaviour)


  1. ^ OT, page 3:
    ヱホバ (かみ)(つく)りたまひし()(いき)()(のなか)(へび)(もつと)狡猾(さが)(へび)(をんな)()ひけるは (かみ)(まこと)(なんじ)()()(のすべて)()()(くら)ふべからずと(いひ)たまひしや
    Ehoba Kami no tsukuri tamaishi no no ikimono no naka ni hebi mottomo sagashi. Hebi onna ni iikeru wa, Kami makoto ni nanjira sono no subete no ki no mi wa kurafubekarazu to ii tamaishi ya?
    Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?