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English citations of ædification

Noun: archaic form of edification

1633 1895
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1633, William Ames, A Fresh Svit Againſt Human Ceremonies in God’s VVorship; Chapter VII., page #82:
    Order and decency ſeeme to be ſeperated from ædification in ſome ſacred Ceremony which he know not of that willed all things to be done unto ædification.
  • 1895, George Augustus Sala paraphrased in The Library of Choice Literature and Encyclopædia of Universal Authorship, The Gebbie Publishing Co.; Volume V., page #161:
    For, from its first ædification, the Quadrant end of Regent Street, has been the home of the artistic foreigners, who are attracted to London during the musical and operatic season, less by inclination for the Climate and respect for the institutions of England, than by a profound admiration for the circular effigies, in gold, of her Majesty the Queen, which John Bull so liberally bestows on those who squall or fiddle for him, provided they be of foreign extraction.