Citations:Daffy Duck

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English citations of Daffy Duck

  • 1987 October 7, “HERE'S FRESH NEWS: EVERTHING IS JUST DUCKY AT OREGON”, in Dallas Morning News:
    At Utah, the Utes are sporting a Daffy Duck offense. The linemen come out of the huddle and go to one side of the field. A wide receiver snaps to the quarterback...
  • 1989 February 12, “Coots-Feathered Variety-Draw Curses, Gunfire in Orange County”, in Los Angeles Times:
    A coot-covered lake looks something like a Daffy Duck convention.
  • 1993, Vernon Lionel Shetley, "John Ashbery's Difficulty", After the Death of Poetry:
    [p 125] The poem's contrasts reflect those of its source, which is not so much Tex Avery's 1938 cartoon “Daffy Duck in Hollywood” as Chuck Jones's celebrated “Duck Amuck” of 1953. In “Duck Amuck,” Daffy swashbuckles onto the screen wielding a rapier, as if to reprise his 1950 role, “The Scarlet Pumpernickel.”
    [p 127] This closing section sports a number of inversions (e.g., "bivouac we") reminiscent of the verbal habits of the Daffy Duck voice, yet this ending seems very different in tone from the broadly ironic opening.
  • 1996 February 8, Dallas Morning News:
    Me, I just kind of moved along in a Daffy Duck shuffle.
  • 1996, Joseph R. Garber, Vertical Run, page 30
    His inner voice, his guardian angel sneered in a Daffy Duck voice, Of courth you realithe thith meanth war []
  • 2000 November 10, “Recount is the talk of the town”, in San Diego Union-Tribune:
    "Instead of a lame-duck Congress," Wilson lamented, "it's a Daffy Duck election." Edward Bodge said it is time to do away with the Electoral College.
  • 2000, Gene Brewer, K-PAX, page 243
    "Yeth thir?" in his Daffy Duck voice. I thought: He's been hanging around Milton too long
  • 2002 February 22, Robibnikoff <>, “Re: Ashcroft”, in alt.atheism[1] (Usenet), message-ID <ycyd8.3383$>:
    Wow - it definitely sounds it. My kid's a Cartoon Network freak, so I'm probably seeing as much Bugs Bunny now as I did as a kid. The funniest new Bugs Bunny cartoon was his 51st birthday celebration featuring all these "out takes" from the opening of the show. There's one where Daffy Duck goes up to Bugs and says "You son of a BLEEP!" That was hilarious :)