Citations:give birth

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English citations of give birth

Noun: "to release live offspring into the environment"

1915 1981 2001 2005 2007
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1915 Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics, Volume 21, Franklin H. Martin Memorial Foundation, p660
    She gave birth to an eleven-and-a-half-pound child six hours after the beginning of labor.
  • 1981 "How British peach-potato aphids manage without males," New Scientist, Vol. 91, No. 1269 (3 Sep 1981), p603
    As the days shorten, most species of aphid start to produced winged male and female forms. These fly back to their primary hosts, where the females give birth to egg-laying females.
  • 2001 Endangered Wildlife and Plants of the World, Marshall Cavendish, p1352
    Perhaps the most distinct group of fish found in central Mexico, these fish give birth to live young, as opposed to the typical egg-laying reproductive habits of most fish species.
  • 2005 J. Whitfield Gibbons & Michael E. Dorcas, Snakes of the Southeast, University of Georgia Press, p23
    Because eggs hatch and live-bearing snakes give birth during late summer and fall, however, more snakes are present and likely to be seen aboveground then.
  • 2007 George A. Feldhamer, Lee C. Drickamer & Stephen H. Vessey, Mammalogy: adaptation, diversity, ecology, p151
    Many mammals give birth to their young during the resting or sleep portion of their daily cycle.