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English citations of hetfic

Noun: "(countable, fandom slang) a fanfic based on fictional characters or celebrities involved in an opposite-sex romantic and/or sexual relationship"

2003 2004 2005 2006
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  • 2003 October 4, Kish, “Re: Ron and Hermione - the definitive answer”, in[1] (Usenet):
    The only valid objection I can see to slashfics with heterosexual characters is the same one I see to hetfics with established homosexual characters: that they run contrary to the intent of the original creator of the character.
  • 2004 January 6, czb (Chris), “Re: Fun Stuff I'd like to see in this wonderful new year, in Trekfic”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[2] (Usenet):
    Since I'm always looking for new and different directions to take these characters in, I'd love to know what you *would* like to see in a Kira hetfic.
  • 2005 June 26, Farfalla, “Re: BEFORE the Credits Challenge? Idea? TOS, Scotty/OFC”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[3] (Usenet):
    I'm looking forward to it. Hey, with Lyra's fabulous Sea Change epic, which quite possibly might be the best hetfic I've ever read, we might be on our way to a Sc/f category this year.
  • 2006 October 14, Farfalla, “Re: Golden Os: 2005 Winner's Graphics”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[4] (Usenet):
    I've read two stories, one a hetfic by Lyra and one a slashfic by Birgit, that were so good that they transcended fanfic and became excellent original stories under their own rights.

Noun: "(uncountable, fandom slang) such fan fiction collectively"

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2008 2018
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  • 1998 September 18, Nonie Rider, “Re: No Mary Sues for Alex?”, in[5] (Usenet):
    To be honest, I suspect the other reason we rarely see Krycek hetfic is that it's the edge of violence that makes him sexy.
  • 1999 January 31,, “Favorite NC-17”, in[6] (Usenet):
    I'd be interested in hearing which series the hetfic readers are into; since I live on the slash lists I rarely hear about the better hetfic.
  • 2000 January 29, S. Mallet (AKA Marmoset), “Re: Scifi Rerun: Dead End On Blank Street [spoilers]”, in[7] (Usenet):
    However, what gets posted and/or archived can be hetfic rated NC17 and slashfic rated G - NC17.
  • 2000 October 13, trekkigrrl [username], “Re: Why some K/Sers enjoy slash”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[8] (Usenet):
    The slashers don't object to the fact that your friend (Let's call her "Mamin Mavis") writes hetfic. They object to the fact that she bitches and moans about slash on a list that's at least 50% slash-fic.
  • 2001 August 22, Mark Stanley, “Re: Why Voyager?”, in alt.startrek.creative[9] (Usenet):
    I only meant to assert, and I admit I was unforgivably vague, that a greater number of het authors may feel comfortable with the more obvious and canonically supportable het pairings in Voyager, hence the relative lack of TOS hetfic.
  • 2002 May 26, Kirei, “Re: Fanattempts”, in alt.books.pratchett[10] (Usenet):
    I -do- also read hetfic when there's a straight couple I like.
  • 2003 March 12, Kathryn Burlingham, “Re: Ellen”, in[11] (Usenet):
    There's quite a bit, actually. Slash is basically fanfic with same-sex pairings. There's plenty of hetfic, too. And genfic, which is more about the plot, not centered on sex and romance.
  • 2004 January 5, Raxelbrof [username], “Re: Article about fanfic”, in aus.culture.gothic[12] (Usenet):
    she also explained that she had given up on "hetfic" such as mulder-scully pairings because the female characters always ended up pregnant, getting married and settling down.
  • 2005 December 26, CCA, “Re: [I] Sex on the Discworld - opinions”, in[13] (Usenet):
    (Irritatingly, the only woman slash or hetfic writers seem to pair Sirius with is Bellatrix, usually involving S&M and other things that I'm not interesting[sic] in reading about).
  • 2008, Steve Abrams and Smaragd Grün, "Mundanes at the Gate … and Perverts Within: Managing Internal and External Threats to Community Online", in Electronic Tribes: The Virtual Worlds of Geeks, Gamers, Shamans, and Scammers (eds. Tyrone L. Adams & Stephen A. Smith), University of Texas Press (2008), →ISBN, page 210:
    Genfic and hetfic typically extend the source material along lines consistent with the producers' intentions, albeit sometimes more explicitly than the broadcast market would allow.
  • 2018, "Speranza", "What Girls Want", in The Secret Loves of Geeks, page 172:
    This holds true both in hetfic where fangirls are wild for Edward Cullen or the Doctor or in slash fandom where the girls love Dean and Castiel both, Will and Hannibal both.