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English citations of humet

a tombstone or other slab of stone, laid on the ground
  • ante 1645 (published 1895, Thomas Abingdon, A Survey of Worcestershire, page 482:
    On a humet or ground tombe somewhat lower inclyninge to the Northe syde of the Chauncell, Heere lyethe the body of Robert Wyth, Esquyre, the secound sonne of John Wyth and Isabell his wyfe, which Robert dyed 24 Decemb., An. Do.
  • 1901, Jean Froissart, The Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Adjoining Countries: From the Latter Part of the Reign of Edward II to the Coronation of Henry IV, page 54:
    ... on a shield argent , while those of Sir Eustace were ermine , three humets in pale gules - perceiving Sir Eustace ... he lay on the ground ; but five German men - at - arms came upon him , struck him down , and made him prisoner .
  • 1883, The Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist,: A Quarterly Journal and Review Devoted to the Study of Early Pagan and Christian Antiquities of Great Britain, page 217:
    Of him Sir Thomas Pope purchased the stones , with which he erected the wall which runs along Park Street , and forms the enclosure of the grounds of Trinity College ; and soon scarcely stone upon stone ... 2 humets in pale , all betw .
  • 1911, Gervase Holles, Lincolnshire Church Notes, Publications of the Lincoln Re, page 79:
    Such Walls doe build God's house , true living stones , Ingraven , as wee , by God , God's holy ones . -- Upon ye Woodworke in ye Church these Coates ... 4 humets , counter - changed . • In another row below , these Coates : - Paly of 6 []