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English citations of koumpounophobia

Noun: "the fear of buttons"

2007 2008 2009 2011 2012
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2007 May 13, Chris Lamb, “Re: Climate Change and Cambridge”, in cam.misc[1] (Usenet):
    The absence of a comma made tea come out my nose. Ranidoclaustrophobia.
    Koumpounophobia is where it's at though.
  • 2008, Virginia Wheeler, "Gillian is terrified of buttons", The Sun (UK), 21 April 2008:
    But Gillian’s not alone. Her phobia – officially named Koumpounophobia – affects one in 75,000 people. A spokesman for The National Phobics Society said: “The phobia often affects children and the problem can persist into adulthood. []
  • 2009, "'Coraline' a dark tale turned to film that is a fantastical experience", Peoria Journal Star, 21 February 2009:
    The dark themes in "Coraline" will scare young viewers and might even bestow a new phobia upon them, koumpounophobia, or the fear of buttons.
  • 2011, Josh Loeb, "Button Maker Maureen Rose plans to celebrate Charles Dickens's bicentenary with unique design", West End Extra, 2 December 2011:
    Mrs Rose said that from time to time psychiatrists had asked her whether their clients suffering from koumpounophobia, or fear of buttons, could visit the shop in Cleveland Street, Fitzrovia.
  • 2012, Diana R. Boggia, Parenting with a Purpose: Inspiring, Positive Alternatives to Reach and Teach Your Child How to Behave, iUniverse (2012), →ISBN, page 79:
    Years ago, I worked with the parents of a three-year-old with koumpounophobia, a fear of buttons. She violently refused to wear anything with buttons and screamed if her mom approached with buttons on her shirt.
  • 2012, Karl Pilkington, The Further Adventures of an Idiot Abroad, Canongate (2012), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    I've heard of koumpounophobia, which means your brain is scared of buttons. There was a woman on the news who had it so bad she couldn't even sit and watch the kids' TV programme Button Moon.
  • 2012, Leon Watson, "Unusual phobia of mother, 30, who is paralysed by fear when she sees… BUTTONS, Daily Mail, 8 March 2012:
    Meet mother-of-one Louisa Francis, whose bizarre phobia means she is terrified of buttons.
    The 30-year-old panics if faced with one, and is forced to flee if they are placed too near to her.
    To most people they are harmless but for Louisa they are a source of fear - because she has koumpounophobia.
  • 2012, Rod Mills, "Man's bizarre fear of buttons is sewn up on live TV", Daily Express (Scotland), 27 April 2012:
    Mr Torrance, a father-of-one, was just two when he developed the phobia, called koumpounophobia, after a bucket of his grandmother’s buttons fell on top of him.