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English citations of slashy

2001 2013 2014
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2001, Kelly Simca Boyd, "'One Index Finger On The Mouse Scroll And The Other On My Clit': Slash Writers' Views On Pornography, Censorship, Feminism and Risk", thesis submitted to Simon Fraser University, page 156:
    It was the first slashy story published after the threats to expose slash to the producers and actors in Starsky and Hutch.
  • 2013, Carola Katharina Bauer, Naughty Girls and Gay Male Romance/Porn: Slash Fiction, Boys’ Love Manga, and Other Works by Female “Cross-Voyeurs” in the U.S. Academic Discourses, page 46:
    This may have resulted in a loss of "personal touch," but has proved to be stimulating and inspiring in other ways: Role Playing Games (RPG) with male characters engaged in a homosexual relationship are new forms of "slashy" entertainment, in which several writers gather to create a slash story together []
  • 2013, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, "Recollections of a Collating Party", in Fic: Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World (ed. Anne Jamison), page 92:
    One amazing claim to fame, though, is that very soon after this collating party at my house, Roberta published her slashy/raunchy stories in a fanzine that was called, I think, GRIP (a sendup of zines Grope and Grup) []
  • 2014, Kathryn Hill, "'Easy to Associate Angsty Lyrics with Buffy': An Introduction to a Participatory Fan Culture: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Vidders, Popular Music and the Internet", in Buffy and Angel Conquer the Internet: Essays on Online Fandom (ed. Mary Kirby-Diaz), page 182:
    As this vidder's website modestly states: "I think of this vid as my proof of how slashy these shows are. []