Citations:zombie out

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English citations of zombie out, zombied out, zombying out, and zombies out

  • 1981, Contemporary Keyboard (Keyboard Players International), volume 7, issues 1–6, page unknown
    PIANO CLASSICS. Twenty-six titles by twenty-four familiar names, but this is more than just a collection of worn-out nineteenth-century standards. Ada Richter has compiled them with the noble idea of helping younger students work on various aspects of technique without having to zombie out on drills and exercises.
  • 1982, Barbara Morgenroth, Will the Real Renie Lake Please Stand Up? (New York: Fawcett Juniper Books; →ISBN, 9780449700211), page 63
    I didn’t want any stimulation or excitement. What I wanted was to just zombie out and be left alone. I wanted to be free to stare at the walls. Back in Elmhurst, I could do that. The day would be gone before I knew it. But here, I was going to be watched. One wrong move and it’d be back to Judge DiBella for sure.
  • 1984 Spring, Hawaii Review (Board of Publications of the Associated Students of the University of Hawaii), issue № 15, page 24
    Between outpourings of words onto paper, Sue and I talked. A lot. She told me about her divorce, how she “zombied out” afterwards, took long walks, long hikes, cried a lot, tossed and turned in bed for countless sleepless nights, as if her bed were a cold, barren beach, how she thought a few times about me and how I was doing.
  • 1984, Kirkus Reviews (Kirkus Service), volume 52, issues 19–24, page 986
    There are stories of broken families, traumatic reactions: “After Dennis got killed, my mom just kind of zombied out for a couple of years. . . . Mother died as a direct result of losing Don. Cause and effect.”
  • 1986, Joseph Wambaugh, The Secrets of Harry Bright (Bantam Books; →ISBN, 9780553274301), page 191
    “Bout sixty-five hunnerd for half a pound a meth plus half a pound a cut. Trouble is, all these jackoff Cobras get hooked behind this shit. Better’n junk, they say. You don’t zombie out for three hours, they say. You kin change the engine on your bike, you kin paint the kitchen, you kin bone your old lady twice. But they never get that job finished when they’re cranked out.”
  • 1986, Jerome Charyn, War Cries Over Avenue C (Abacus; →ISBN, 9780349105062), page 271
    “And after I’ve been zombied out, will they hurt my dad?[”]
  • 1988, Kathleen Rockwell Lawrence, The Last Room in Manhattan (New York: Atheneum; →ISBN, 9780689120107), page 261
    “Wonderful . . . great. All I do is zombie out in front of the VCR.”
  • 1988, Robert R. McCammon, Stinger (Pocket Books; →ISBN, 9780671624125), page 321
    Cody had watched it all, and after the ‛copter had crashed on Cobre Road, he figured he’d zombied out, somehow walking to his motorcycle in front of the Warp Room and winding up here.
  • 1989, Patricia McConnel, Sing Soft, Sing Loud: Scenes from Two Lives (Atheneum; →ISBN, 9780689120466), page 60
    Black women just seem to do their time different. They sing more, goof around more. They don’t zombie out like the rest of us.
  • 1991, PRISM international (University of British Columbia Department of Creative Writing), volume 30, page 73
    “My man here keeps zombying out,” said Gin, nodding at the soldier.
  • 1993, Martin C. Moore-Ede, The Twenty-Four-Hour Society: Understanding Human Limits in a World That Never Stops (Addison-Welsey Publishing Company; →ISBN, 9780201577112), page 128
    […] omits a step in checking your plane’s engines, delaying your airport departure; the autoworker who zombies out as your car-to-be passes by on the assembly line, wasting your time and money for repairs because of that missing spring; the fatigued operator on the night shift miskeying your insurance claim — all contribute to a loss in your personal productivity and sometimes your safety.