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Proper noun



  1. Obsolete spelling of Cornwall. (A county)
    • 1533, “Can acte concernyng clothes/called Ueſſes/made in the countie of Suffolke” (chapter xi), in Anno xiiii. et anno .xv. Henrici octaui, page 24:
      [] noꝛ to any wollen clothes made in the countie of Coꝛnewall []
    • 1548, Edw. Halle, The union of the two noble, page 582:
      Sir Edwarde Courtney and Peter his bꝛother biſhop of Exletter, retſed another army in deuouſhire and coꝛnewall.
    • 1590, John Stow, A Svmmarie of the Chronicles of England, from the Firſt arriuing of Brute in this Iſland, vnto this preſent yeere of Chriſt, 1590[1]:
      England is the greateſt part, and is diuided into 40 Counties, which ve call ſhires, whereof ten (that is to ſay) Kent, Suſſex, Surrey, Southampton, Barkſhire, Wiltſhie, Dorſetſhire, Somerſetſhire, Deuonſhire and Cornewall, doe containe the firſt part that Iſland: which part bounding toward the South, ſtandeth berweene the Thames and the Sea.
  2. A surname.