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See also: fuku, -fuku, fuku-, and fuk u



Proper noun



  1. Alternative form of Fugu
    • 1936 September, C. H. P'an, Older Mesozoic Plants from North Shensi[1], Nanking: Geological Survey of China, →OCLC, page 6:
      Recently Dr. Sze¹ has described many species from Shihpanwan, 110 li west of Fuku Hsien (府谷縣), North Shensi.
    • 1975 January 13 [1975 January 10], Chao Feng-nien [赵丰年], “Persist in Continuing the Revolution Under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat--Some Experiences in Developing the Movement To Learn From Tachai in Agriculture [坚持无产阶级专政下的继续革命——开展农业学大寨运动的一些经验]”, in Daily Report: People's Republic of China[2], volume I, number 8, Foreign Broadcast Information Service, sourced from Red Flag, No 1, 1975, starting on p. 57 and Peking Domestic Service, translation of original in Mandarin, →ISSN, →OCLC, page E 7[3], page 目录:
      But things differed in Fuku County, Shensi Province. Located on the loess plateau, the county is full of barren hills, and therefore it is very difficult to develop production.