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From Mandarin 靈寶灵宝 (Língbǎo) Wade–Giles romanization: Ling²-pao³.[1]

Proper noun



  1. Alternative form of Lingbao
    • 1973, Jan Fontein, Tung Wu, “Introduction”, in Unearthing China's Past[2], Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 21:
      The dealer’s stated provenance for these pieces was Shan-hsien, Honan Province, an area that, in spite of its many tumuli, never was known for its subterranean treasures. The recent excavation of almost identical pieces in the neighboring Ling-pao County clearly confirms the information supplied by the dealer.


  1. ^ “Selected Glossary”, in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China[1], Cambridge University Press, 1982, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, pages 476, 481:The glossary includes a selection of names and terms from the text in the Wade-Giles transliteration, followed by Pinyin, [] Ling-pao (Lingbao) 靈寶

