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  1. (informal, derogatory) Alternative form of Londonistan
    • 2008 July 4, dead kennedy haters, “Liberal Brit judge says Muslim Law should be used in Britain”, in alt.politics.liberalism[1] (Usenet):
      The problem is that that's not exactly what they're talking about -
      they're not talking about arbitration, but state approved contracts
      which contradict British law. For the moment, they're not permitting
      stoning, removal of limbs and the like - but it's only a matter of
      time until that's the law of the land in Londonstan.
    • 2016 May 9,, “100 new Mosques for Londonstan”, in scot.politics[2] (Usenet):
    • 2022 September 18, JeSSe, “HM Queue slammed”, in uk.current-events.terrorism[3] (Usenet):
      Such an immobile, distracted crowd should be a great opportunity for all
      the 3rd world criminals packed into Londonstan to rob, rape and pillage.