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Formal tests


These tests are currently in development, and should not be relied upon. 1 of 0 tests failed. (refresh)

Script error during testing: Module:User:Kutchkutch/mr-decl/testcases:272: attempt to call field 'findBestScript' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'findBestScript'
	Module:User:Kutchkutch/mr-decl/testcases:272: in function <Module:User:Kutchkutch/mr-decl/testcases:270>
	(tail call): ?
	[C]: in function 'xpcall'
	Module:UnitTests:369: in function <Module:UnitTests:328>
	(tail call): ?
	mw.lua:527: in function <mw.lua:507>
	[C]: ?
	[C]: in function 'expandTemplate'
	mw.lua:333: in function 'expandTemplate'
	Module:documentation:892: in function 'chunk'
	mw.lua:527: in function <mw.lua:507>
	[C]: ?

Visual Tests


The test must be performed by inspecting the generated tables. It is a stop-gap until automated testing can be implemented.

See User:Kutchkutch/mr-decl

local tests = require('Module:UnitTests')

local m_links = require("Module:links")
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("mr")
local m_scripts = require("Module:scripts")
local m_decl_noun = require('Module:User:Kutchkutch/mr-decl')

local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local ti = table.insert
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub

local dialect_name = {
	mr = 'Marathi',
-- local casetc = {'nom. s.', 'nom. p.', 'obl. s.', 'obl. p.'}
local casetc = {dirs = 'nom. s.', dirp = 'nom. p,', obls = 'obl. s.', oblp = 'obl. p.',
				dats = 'dat. s.', datp = 'dat. s.', ergs = 'erg. s.', ergp = 'erg. p.',
				inss = 'ins. s.', insp = 'ins. p.', locs = 'loc. s.', locp = 'loc. p.',
				vocs = 'voc. s.', vocp = 'voc. p.', gso = 'gen. obl. s.', gpo = 'gen. obl. p.',
-- I hope the numbers are the right way round!
				gsns = 'gen. s. n. s.', gsms = 'gen. s. m. s.', gsfs = 'gen. s. f. s.',
				gsnp = 'gen. s. n. p.', gsmp = 'gen. s. m. p.', gsfp = 'gen. s. f. p.',
				gpns = 'gen. p. n. s.', gpms = 'gen. p. m. s.', gpfs = 'gen. p. f. s.',
				gpnp = 'gen. p. n. p.', gpmp = 'gen. p. m. p.', gpfp = 'gen. p. f. p.',
local detail_items = {
	-- First element is one of the following:
	-- 'dialect' selects dialect to be tested.
	-- 'm', 'f' or 'n', which gives word and gender.
	-- Case form code, which selects case and number to compare and
	-- gives expected form, both native script and Wiktionary Romanisation.
	{"dialect", "mr"},
	{'heading', "test tests"},
	{'datp', {"गागा", "zebra"}} , --Deliberately wrong, to test tests.

	{'heading', "Primary Tags"},
	{'heading', "marked masc cons-stem"},
	{"m", "हात"},
	{'dirs', {"हात", "hāt"}},
	{'dirp', {"हात", "hāt"}},
	{'obls', {"हाता", "hātā"}},
	{'dats', {"हाताला", "hātālā"}},
	{'datp', {"हातांना", "hātānnā"}},
	{'ergs', {"हाताने", "hātāne"}},
	{'ergp', {"हातांनी", "hātānnī"}},
	{'gsns', {"हाताच़े", "hātāċe"}, {"हाताच़ं", "hātāċa"}},
	{'gpns', {"हातांच़े", "hātāñċe"}, {"हातांच़ं", "hātāñċa"}},
	{'heading', "marked fem-e cons-stem"},
	{"f-e", "वाट"},
	{'dirs', {"वाट", "vāṭ"}},
	{'dirp', {"वाटा", "vāṭā"}},
	{'obls', {"वाटे", "vāṭe"}},
	{'oblp', {"वाटां", "vāṭā̃"}},
	{'heading', "marked fem cons-stem"},
	{"f", "नात"},
	{'dirs', {"नात", "nāt"}},
	{'dirp', {"नाती", "nātī"}},
	{'obls', {"नाती", "nātī"}},
	{'oblp', {"नातीं", "nātī̃"}},
	{'heading', "marked neut cons-stem"},
	{"n", "घर"},
	{'dirs', {"घर", "ghar"}},
	{'dirp', {"घरे", "ghare"}, {"घरं", "ghara"}},
	{'obls', {"घरा", "gharā"}},
	{'oblp', {"घरां", "gharā̃"}},
	{'heading', "marked masc ā-stem"},
	{"m", "माळा"},
	{'dirs', {"माळा", "māḷā"}},
	{'dirp', {"माळे", "māḷe"}},
	{'obls', {"माळ्या", "māḷyā"}},
	{'oblp', {"माळ्यां", "māḷyā̃"}},
	{'heading', "marked fem ā-stem"},
	{"f", "शाळा"},
	{'dirs', {"शाळा", "śāḷā"}},
	{'dirp', {"शाळा", "śāḷā"}},
	{'obls', {"शाळे", "śāḷe"}},
	{'oblp', {"शाळां", "śāḷā̃"}},
	{'heading', "marked masc ī-stem"},
	{"m", "शिंपी"},
	{'dirs', {"शिंपी", "śimpī"}},
	{'dirp', {"शिंपी", "śimpī"}},
	{'obls', {"शिंप्या", "śimpyā"}},
	{'oblp', {"शिंप्यां", "śimpyā̃"}},
	{'heading', "marked feminine ī-stem"},
	{"f", "गाडी"},
	{'dirs', {"गाडी", "gāḍī"}},
	{'dirp', {"गाड्या", "gāḍyā"}},
	{'obls', {"गाडी", "gāḍī"}},
	{'oblp', {"गाड्यां", "gāḍyā̃"}},
	{'heading', "marked neut ī-stem"},
	{"n", "दही"},
	{'dirs', {"दही", "dahī"}},
	{'dirp', {"दही", "dahī"}},
	{'obls', {"दह्या", "dahyā"}},
	{'oblp', {"दह्यां", "dahyā̃"}},
	{'heading', "marked masc ū-stem"},
	{"m", "नातू"},
	{'dirs', {"नातू", "nātū"}},
	{'dirp', {"नातू", "nātū"}},
	{'obls', {"नातवा", "nātvā"}},
	{'oblp', {"नातवां", "nātvā̃"}},
	{'heading', "marked fem ū-stem (obsolete)"},
	{"f", "सासू"},
	{'dirs', {"सासू", "sāsū"}},
	{'dirp', {"सासवा", "sāsvā"}},
	{'obls', {"सासवे", "sāsve"}},
	{'oblp', {"सासवां", "sāsvā̃"}},
	{'heading', "marked neut ū-stem"},
	{"n", "तारू"},
	{'dirs', {"तारू", "tārū"}},
	{'dirp', {"तारवे", "tārve"}, {"तारवं", "tārva"}},
	{'obls', {"तारवा", "tārvā"}},
	{'oblp', {"तारवां", "tārvā̃"}},
	{'heading', "masc r-stem"},
	{"m", "भर्तृ"},
	{'dirs', {"भर्तृ", "bhartru"}},
	{'dirp', {"भर्तृ", "bhartru"}},
	{'obls', {"भर्तृ", "bhartru"}},
	{'oblp', {"भर्तृं", "bhartrũ"}},
	{'heading', "feminine r-stem"},
	{"f", "मातृ"},
	{'dirs', {"मातृ", "mātru"}},
	{'dirp', {"मातृ", "mātru"}},
	{'obls', {"मातृ", "mātru"}},
	{'oblp', {"मातृं", "mātrũ"}},
	{'heading', "fem ai-stem"},
	{"f", "पै"},
	{'dirs', {"पै", "pai"}},
	{'dirp', {"पया", "payā"}},
	{'obls', {"पया", "payā"}},
	{'oblp', {"पयां", "payā̃"}},
	{'heading', "masc o-stem"},
	{"m", "धनको"},
	{'dirs', {"धनको", "dhanko"}},
	{'dirp', {"धनको", "dhanko"}},
	{'obls', {"धनको", "dhanko"}},
	{'oblp', {"धनकों", "dhankõ"}},
	{'heading', "feminine o-stem"},
	{"f", "बायको"},
	{'dirs', {"बायको", "bāyko"}},
	{'dirp', {"बायका", "bāykā"}},
	{'obls', {"बायको", "bāyko"}},
	{'oblp', {"बायकां", "bāykā̃"}},

	{'heading', "Subtags of masc cons-stem"},
	{'heading', "masc unmarked dependent-ī cons-stem (monosyllabic)"},
	{"m", "वीर"},
	{'dirs', {"वीर", "vīr"}},
	{'dirp', {"वीर", "vīr"}},
	{'obls', {"वीरा", "vīrā"}},
	{'oblp', {"वीरां", "vīrā̃"}},
	{'heading', "masc weakened dependent-ī cons-stem (polysyllabic)"},
	{"m", "वकील", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"वकील", "vakīl"}},
	{'dirp', {"वकील", "vakīl"}},
	{'obls', {"वकिला", "vakilā"}},
	{'oblp', {"वकिलां", "vakilā̃"}},
	{'heading', "masc unmarked dependent-ū cons-stem (monosyllabic)"},
	{"m", "शूर"},
	{'dirs', {"शूर", "śūr"}},
	{'dirp', {"शूर", "śūr"}},
	{'obls', {"शूरा", "śūrā"}},
	{'oblp', {"शूरां", "śūrā̃"}},
	{'heading', "masc weakened dependent-ū cons-stem (polysyllabic)"},
	{"m", "कारकून", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"कारकून", "kārkūn"}},
	{'dirp', {"कारकून", "kārkūn"}},
	{'obls', {"कारकुना", "kārkunā"}},
	{'oblp', {"कारकुनां", "kārkunā̃"}},
	{'heading', "masc weakened independent-ī cons-stem"},
	{"m", "पाईक", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"पाईक", "pāīk"}},
	{'dirp', {"पाईक", "pāīk"}},
	{'obls', {"पाइका", "pāikā"}},
	{'oblp', {"पाइकां", "pāikā̃"}},
	{'heading', "masc weakened independent-ī cons-stem (polysyllabic)"},
	{"m", "नातेवाईक", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"नातेवाईक", "nātevāīk"}},
	{'dirp', {"नातेवाईक", "nātevāīk"}},
	{'obls', {"नातेवाइका", "nātevāikā"}},
	{'oblp', {"नातेवाइकां", "nātevāikā̃"}},
	{'heading', "masc weakened independent-ū cons-stem (monosyllabic)"},
	{"m", "ऊस", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"ऊस", "ūs"}},
	{'dirp', {"ऊस", "ūs"}},
	{'obls', {"उसा", "usā"}},
	{'oblp', {"उसां", "usā̃"}},
	{'heading', "masc weakened independent-ū cons-stem"},
	{"m", "राऊत", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"राऊत", "rāūt"}},
	{'dirp', {"राऊत", "rāūt"}},
	{'obls', {"राउता", "rāutā"}},
	{'oblp', {"राउतां", "rāutā̃"}},

	{'heading', "Subtags of fem-e cons-stem"},
	{'heading', "fem-e weakened dependent-ī cons-stem (polysyllabic)"},
	{"f-e", "मोहीम", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"मोहीम", "mohīm"}},
	{'dirp', {"मोहिमा", "mohimā"}},
	{'obls', {"मोहिमे", "mohime"}},
	{'oblp', {"मोहिमां", "mohimā̃"}},
	{'heading', "fem-e weakened independent-ī cons-stem (monosyllabic)"},
	{"f-e", "ईद", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"ईद", "īd"}},
	{'dirp', {"इदा", "idā"}},
	{'obls', {"इदे", "ide"}},
	{'oblp', {"इदां", "idā̃"}},

	{'heading', "Subtags of fem cons-stem"},
	{'heading', "fem weakened dependent-ū cons-stem (polysyllabic)"},
	{"f", "कसूर", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"कसूर", "kasūr"}},
	{'dirp', {"कसुरी", "kasurī"}},
	{'obls', {"कसुरी", "kasurī"}},
	{'oblp', {"कसुरीं", "kasurī̃"}},
	{'heading', "fem weakened independent-ī cons-stem (monosyllabic)"},
	{"f", "ईद", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"ईद", "īd"}},
	{'dirp', {"इदी", "idī"}},
	{'obls', {"इदी", "idī"}},
	{'oblp', {"इदीं", "idī̃"}},
	{'heading', "fem weakened independent-ī cons-stem (monosyllabic)"},
	{"f", "पंचाईत", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"पंचाईत", "pañcāīt"}},
	{'dirp', {"पंचाइती", "pañcāitī"}},
	{'obls', {"पंचाइती", "pañcāitī"}},
	{'oblp', {"पंचाइतीं", "pañcāitī̃"}},

	{'heading', "Subtags of neut cons-stem"},
	{'heading', "neut unmarked dependent-ī cons-stem (polysyllabic)"},
	{"n", "गणित"},
	{'dirs', {"गणित", "gaṇit"}},
	{'dirp', {"गणिते", "gaṇite"}, {"गणितं", "gaṇita"}},
	{'obls', {"गणिता", "gaṇitā"}},
	{'oblp', {"गणितां", "gaṇitā̃"}},
	{'heading', "neut weakened dependent-ī cons-stem (polysyllabic)"},
	{"n", "बक्षीस", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"बक्षीस", "bakṣīs"}},
	{'dirp', {"बक्षिसे", "bakṣise"}, {"बक्षिसं", "bakṣisa"}},
	{'obls', {"बक्षिसा", "bakṣisā"}},
	{'oblp', {"बक्षिसां", "bakṣisā̃"}},
	{'heading', "neut weakened dependent-ū cons-stem (polysyllabic)"},
	{"n", "वारूळ", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"वारूळ", "vārūḷ"}},
	{'dirp', {"वारुळे", "vāruḷe"}, {"वारुळं", "vāruḷa"}},
	{'obls', {"वारुळा", "vāruḷā"}},
	{'oblp', {"वारुळां", "vāruḷā̃"}},
	{'heading', "neut weakened independent-ī cons-stem (polysyllabic)"},
	{"n", "गिऱ्हाईक", {["weaken_iu"] = "true"}},
	{'dirs', {"गिऱ्हाईक", "girhāīk"}},
	{'dirp', {"गिऱ्हाइके", "girhāike"}, {"गिऱ्हाइकं", "girhāika"}},
	{'obls', {"गिऱ्हाइका", "girhāikā"}},
	{'oblp', {"गिऱ्हाइकां", "girhāikā̃"}},

	{'heading', "Subtags of masc ā-stem"},
	{'heading', "sg-only masc ā-stem"},
	{"m", "गोवा", {["number"] = "sg-only"}},
	{'dirs', {"गोवा", "govā"}},
	{'dirp', {"-", "-"}},
	{'obls', {"गोव्या", "govyā"}},
	{'oblp', {"-", "-"}},
	{'heading', "masc rā-stem"},
	{"m", "मोगरा"},
	{'dirs', {"मोगरा", "mogrā"}},
	{'dirp', {"मोगरे", "mogre"}},
	{'obls', {"मोगऱ्या", "mogaryā"}},
	{'oblp', {"मोगऱ्यां", "mogaryā̃"}},

function tests:test_details()
	local word = "माळा"
	local sc = m_scripts.findBestScript(word, lang)
	local forms, translit_forms, stem, actual, exp
	local dialect = "mr"
	local gender ='m';
	local options = {{"weaken_iu", "no"}}
	local forms_got = false
	local formno
	forms = m_decl_noun.forms(word, gender)
	forms = m_decl_noun.forms('गागा', 'm') -- Just to get list of forms.
	for i, v in ipairs(detail_items) do
		if v[1] == 'dialect' then
			dialect = v[2]
			forms_got = false
		elseif v[1] == 'heading' then
		elseif v[1] == 'm' or v[1] == 'f' or v[1] == 'f-e' or v[1] == 'n' then
			gender = v[1]
			word = v[2]
			options = v[3]
			forms, translit_forms = m_decl_noun.forms(word, gender, options) -- Just in case nouns sometimes lack forms and
			                                                 -- this is not expressed by an empty list.
			forms_got = true
		elseif forms[v[1]] then
			formno = v[1]
			exp = {}
			for j = 2, #v do
				if j ~= 2 then
					ti(exp, 'or ')
				ti(exp, v[j][1])
				ti(exp, ' (')
				ti(exp, v[j][2]) -- Do we actually want to check transliterations?
				ti(exp, ') ')
			exp = table.concat(exp)

			if not forms_got then
				forms, translit_forms = m_decl_noun.forms(word, gender)
				forms_got = true -- Local optimisation
			actual = {}
			for j = 1, #forms[v[1]] do
				if j ~= 1 then
					ti(actual, 'or ')
				ti(actual, forms[v[1]][j])
				ti(actual, ' (')
				ti(actual, translit_forms[v[1]][j])
				ti(actual, ') ')
			actual = table.concat(actual)
			local name = {}
			ti(name, '[[')
			ti(name, word)
			ti(name, '#Marathi|')
			ti(name, lang:transliterate(word, sc))
			ti(name, ']]')
			ti(name, ' ')
			ti(name, casetc[formno])
			name = table.concat(name)
-- Compare and report.
-- Method summary: equals(name, actual, expected, options)
			tests:equals(name, actual, exp, {show_difference = true})
			error('Test item '..i..' has invalid first element '..v[1])

return tests