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Proper noun



  1. Alternative form of Nowruz.
    • 2014 April 25, Shahruz Ghaemi, “A Minority of One”, in The Spectator, volume 104, number 13, New York: Stuyvesant High School, →OCLC, page 15:
      Moreover, I have been able to make friends with shared interests that are much more important that[sic] whether we both observe Jewish Yom Kippur or Persian Nohrooz.
    • 2017 February, Meshesha Make Jobo et al., “The Potential Social Benefits of Gifaataa Celebration of Wolaita”, in Journal of Arts and Humanities[1], volume 6, number 2, Maryland: MIR Center, →ISSN, page 37:
      In other words, through festivals, friends, family members and loved ones get opportunity to visit each other which is so central to the strengthening of social bonds among relatives and friends. For instance, Ditto for Nohrooz and Chol Chhnam Tmei, the New Year celebrations in the Persian and Cambodian communities are the typical examples of such the case.[sic]