Talk:faire chier

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As a French native, I can safely say that definition number 2 is inaccurate. ("to have a (fucking) nightmare, to be pissed off")

The accurate second meaning is "(se) faire chier: to be bored."

The example "Je me fais chier aujourd'hui." is not understood as "Today is such a pain in the ass.", but instead "Today, I am bored as hell".

A third possible use is "se faire chier à faire quelque chose", which means "to go to great lengths to do something".

Example: "Je me suis fait chier à faire ce gateau, tu as intérêt à le manger", meaning "I went to great lenghts to cook this cake, you'd better eat it".

If another Frenchman could concur... — This unsigned comment was added by (talk).

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