Template:RQ:Coke Institutes/documentation

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Documentation for Template:RQ:Coke Institutes. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template may be used on Wiktionary entry pages to quote Edward Coke's work The Institutes of the Laws of England (1st edition, 1628–1644, 4 volumes). It can be used to create a link to online versions of the work at Google Books and the Internet Archive:

  • First Part (A Commentarie upon Littleton; 1628).
  • Second Part (Containing the Exposition of many Ancient, and other Statutes; 1642; archived at the Internet Archive).
  • Third Part (Concerning High Treason, and other Pleas of the Crown, and Criminall Causes; 1644; archived at the Internet Archive).
  • Fourth Part (Concerning the Jurisdiction of Courts; 1644).



The template takes the following parameters:

  • |1= or |part=mandatory: the part number quoted from in Arabic numerals, either |part=1, |part=2, |part=3, or |part=4.
  • |2= or |chaptertitle= – the chapter title quoted from.
  • |book=, |chapter=, |section= – if the part of the work quoted from is subdivided into books, chapters, and sections, use these parameters to specify the book, chapter, or section number quoted from in either Arabic or uppercase Roman numerals as stated in the work.
  • |folio= and |verso=mandatory in some cases: part 1 of the work is numbered by folios rather than page numbers. The folio number is indicated on the top right corner of each recto (right-hand) page. Use |folio= to indicate the folio number in Arabic numerals, and if quoting from a verso (left-hand) page specify |verso=1 or |verso=yes; if |verso= is omitted, the template indicates that a recto (right-hand) page is quoted. If quoting a range of folios, for example, "folios 110, verso – 111, recto", note the following:
    • Use |folio= and |verso= to specify the folio at the start of the range, and |folioend= and |versoend= (if required) to specify the folio at the end of the range.
    • In addition, use |folioref= and |versoref= to indicate the page to be linked to (usually the page on which the Wiktionary entry appears). (If quoting a recto page, omit |versoend= and |versoref=.)
These parameters must be specified to have the template link to the online version of the work.
  • |3= or |page=, or |pages=mandatory in some cases: parts 2–4 of the work are paginated. Use these parameters to specify the page number(s) quoted from. When quoting a range of pages, note the following:
    • Separate the first and last pages of the range with an en dash, like this: |pages=110–111.
    • You must also use |pageref= to specify the page number that the template should link to (usually the page on which the Wiktionary entry appears).
You must specify this information to have the template link to an online version of the work.
  • |4=, |text=, or |passage= – a passage to be quoted from the work.
  • |5=, |t=, or |translation= – a translation of the passage to be quoted in modern English.
  • |footer= – a comment about the passage quoted.
  • |brackets= – use |brackets=on to surround a quotation with brackets. This indicates that the quotation either contains a mere mention of a term (for example, "some people find the word manoeuvre hard to spell") rather than an actual use of it (for example, "we need to manoeuvre carefully to avoid causing upset"), or does not provide an actual instance of a term but provides information about related terms.


  • Wikitext:
    • {{RQ:Coke Institutes|part=2|chaptertitle=[[w:Statute of Marlborough|Statutum de Marlebridge]], Editum 52. H. 3. Anno Gratiæ 1267|chapter=IX|page=120|passage=[''Et ſi feoffati illi warrantum, vel medium not habeant.''] That is to say, if they have neither one to warrant by ſpeciall graunt, nor any meſne by tenure which ought to '''acquit''' them, ''tunc omnes illi feoffati pro portione ſua contribuant, &c.''}}; or
    • {{RQ:Coke Institutes|2|[[w:Statute of Marlborough|Statutum de Marlebridge]], Editum 52. H. 3. Anno Gratiæ 1267|chapter=IX|120|[''Et ſi feoffati illi warrantum, vel medium not habeant.''] That is to say, if they have neither one to warrant by ſpeciall graunt, nor any meſne by tenure which ought to '''acquit''' them, ''tunc omnes illi feoffati pro portione ſua contribuant, &c.''}}
  • Result:
  • Wikitext: {{RQ:Coke Institutes|part=1|chaptertitle=Of Rents|book=2|chapter=12|section=224|folio=150|passage=If a man hath iſſue two Daughters and grant a Rent charge out of his land to one of them and dyeth the Rent ſhall be apportioned, and if the Grantee in this caſe '''enfeoffeth''' another of her part of the land, yet the moity of the Rent remaineth iſſuing out of her ſiſters part, becauſe the part of the Grantee in the land by the diſcent was diſcharged of the Rent.}}
  • Result: