Template:RQ:Jonson Sejanus/documentation

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Documentation for Template:RQ:Jonson Sejanus. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template may be used in Wiktionary entries to format quotations from Ben Jonson's work Sejanus His Fall (1st edition, 1605; and 1616 version). It can be used to create a link to online versions of the work at Google Books and the Internet Archive:



The template takes the following parameters:

1st edition (1605)
  • |chapter= – if quoting from one of the chapters indicated in the second column of the following table, give the parameter the value indicated in the first column:
Parameter value Result
Argument The Argument
Chapman In Seianum Ben. Ionsoni et Musis, et Sibi in Delicijs (by George Chapman)
Cygnus To the Deseruing Author (by Cygnus [pseudonym])
Ev B To the Most Vnderstanding Poet (by Ev. B.)
Holland For His Worthy Friend, the Author (by Hugh Holland)
Marston Amicis, Amici Nostri Dignissimi, Dignissimis, Epigramma (by John Marston)
Philos To Him that hath so Excell’d on this Excellent Subiect (by Φιλος [Philos; pseudonym])
Strachey Vpon Seianus (by William Strachey)
Th R To His Learned, and Beloued Friend, vpon His Æquall Worke (by Th. R.)
To the Reader To the Reader
  • |1= or |page=mandatory: as the work is unpaginated, use this parameter to specify the "page number" assigned by the Internet Archive ("IA") to the URL of the webpage to be linked to. For example, if the URL is https://archive.org/details/bim_early-english-books-1475-1640_seianus-his-fall_jonson-benjamin_1605/page/n16/mode/1up, specify |page=16. This parameter must be specified to have the template determine the act number (I–V) quoted from, and to link to the online version of the work.
  • |act= – in most cases, if the IA page number is specified the template can determine the act number quoted from. However, it is unable to do so if page 31, 45, 66, or 82 is specified, in which case this parameter must be used to specify the act number in uppercase Roman numerals, like this: |act=I.
Act I
IA pages 16–31
Act II
IA pages 31–45
IA pages 45–66
Act IV
IA pages 66–82
Act V
IA pages 82–108
  • |sig= or |signature=, and |verso=|sig= or |signature= can be used to specify the signature number quoted from, which is indicated at the bottom centre of some pages. If quoting from a verso (left-hand) page specify |verso=1 or |verso=yes; if |verso= is omitted, the template indicates that a recto (right-hand) page is quoted.
    • If a signature number is not indicated on a page, extrapolate it from the signature numbers before and after the page and enclose it in brackets using [ and ] For example, if the previous signature number is A3 and the next one is B, specify the missing signature number as |sig=[A4].
    • If quoting a range of signatures, for example, "signatures B, verso – B2, recto", use |sig= or |signature=, and |verso=, to specify the signature at the start of the range, and |sigend= or |signatureend=, and |versoend=, (if required) to specify the signature at the end of the range.
    • If this parameter is omitted, the template links the URL of the online version of the work to the chapter name or act number.
1616 version
  • |year=mandatory: if quoting from the 1616 version, specify |year=1616. If this parameter is omitted, the template defaults to the 1st edition (1605).
  • |1= or |act=mandatory: the act number quoted from in uppercase Roman numerals.
  • |2= or |page=, or |pages=mandatory in some cases: the page number(s) quoted from. When quoting a range of pages, note the following:
    • Separate the first and last pages of the range with an en dash, like this: |pages=360–361.
    • You must also use |pageref= to specify the page number that the template should link to (usually the page on which the Wiktionary entry appears).
This parameter must be specified to have the template link to the online version of the work.
Both versions
  • |3=, |text=, or |passage= – the passage to be quoted.
  • |footer= – a comment about the passage quoted.
  • |brackets= – use |brackets=on to surround a quotation with brackets. This indicates that the quotation either contains a mere mention of a term (for example, "some people find the word manoeuvre hard to spell") rather than an actual use of it (for example, "we need to manoeuvre carefully to avoid causing upset"), or does not provide an actual instance of a term but provides information about related terms.



1st edition (1605)

Signature specified
  • Wikitext:
    • {{RQ:Jonson Sejanus|sig=[K4]|verso=1|page=89|passage=''Minutius'' tells vs here, my Lord, / That, a nevv Head being ſet vpon your Statue. / A Rope is ſince found '''vvreath'd''' about it; {{...}}}} (the template can determine the act number based on the IA page specified); or
    • {{RQ:Jonson Sejanus|sig=[K4]|verso=1|89|''Minutius'' tells vs here, my Lord, / That, a nevv Head being ſet vpon your Statue. / A Rope is ſince found '''vvreath'd''' about it; {{...}}}}
  • Result:
  • Wikitext: {{RQ:Jonson Sejanus|chapter=Argument|sig=[A4]|page=14|passage=[H]e raiſeth (in priuate) a nevv Inſtrument, one ''Sertorius Macro'', and by him '''vndervvorketh''', diſcouers the others Coũſells {{quote-gloss|''i.e.'', counsels}}, his Means, his Ends, {{...}}}}
  • Result:
Signature not specified
  • Wikitext: {{RQ:Jonson Sejanus|page=89|passage=''Minutius'' tells vs here, my Lord, / That, a nevv Head being ſet vpon your Statue. / A Rope is ſince found '''vvreath'd''' about it; {{...}}}}
  • Result:

1616 version

  • Wikitext:
    • {{RQ:Jonson Sejanus|year=1616|act=I|page=360|passage=No, {{smallcaps|Silius}}, wee are no good '''inginers'''; / VVe vvant the fine arts, & their thriuing vſe, / Should make vs grac'd, or fauour'd of the times: / {{...}} / VVe burne with no black ſecrets, vvhich can make / Vs deare to the pale authors; or liue fear'd / Of their ſtill vvaking iealouſies, to raiſe / Our ſelues a fortune, by ſubuerting theirs.}}; or
    • {{RQ:Jonson Sejanus|year=1616|I|360|No, {{smallcaps|Silius}}, wee are no good '''inginers'''; / VVe vvant the fine arts, & their thriuing vſe, / Should make vs grac'd, or fauour'd of the times: / {{...}} / VVe burne with no black ſecrets, vvhich can make / Vs deare to the pale authors; or liue fear'd / Of their ſtill vvaking iealouſies, to raiſe / Our ſelues a fortune, by ſubuerting theirs.}}
  • Result:
    • 1603 (first performance; published 1605), Beniamin Ionson [i.e., Ben Jonson], “Seianus his Fall. A Tragœdie. []”, in The Workes of Beniamin Ionson (First Folio), London: [] Will[iam] Stansby, published 1616, →OCLC, Act I, page 360:
      No, Silius, wee are no good inginers; / VVe vvant the fine arts, & their thriuing vſe, / Should make vs grac'd, or fauour'd of the times: / [] / VVe burne with no black ſecrets, vvhich can make / Vs deare to the pale authors; or liue fear'd / Of their ſtill vvaking iealouſies, to raiſe / Our ſelues a fortune, by ſubuerting theirs.

Technical information


This template relies partly on {{RQ:Jonson Works}}.