Template:ki-tonal classes/documentation

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Documentation for Template:ki-tonal classes. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template is used to display the examples for tonal class(es) which some researches have presented as inline text. The sources are as follows:



The following parameters are available:

Parameter Function
1 The tonal class given by Armstrong (1940). 1: moondo class, 2: mote class, 3: ŋgoko class, 4: mbori class, 5: njata class, 6: ɲamo class, 7: ðiimbo class
2 The tonal class given by Benson (1964). Give (class number)-(number of the syllable(s) in the stem of the term). If it is unknown how many syllables a term consists of, just give the Benson's indication.
3 The accent pattern given by Yukawa (1981). LI: 低I型, LII: 低II型, H: 高型, latent-H: 潜在的高型, rising: 昇型, latent-rising: 潜在的昇型, HHI: 高高I型, latent-HHII: 潜在的高高II型, HLI: 高低I型, HLII: 高低II型, changing: 移動型, 2: 二峰型