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Neuter n-stem
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative sga-decl-n-n/sandboxN sga-decl-n-n/sandboxN sga-decl-n-n/sandboxenL
Vocative sga-decl-n-n/sandboxN sga-decl-n-n/sandboxN sga-decl-n-n/sandboxenL
Accusative sga-decl-n-n/sandboxN sga-decl-n-n/sandboxN sga-decl-n-n/sandboxenL
Genitive sga-decl-n-n/sandboxe sga-decl-n-n/sandboxenN sga-decl-n-n/sandboxenN
Dative sga-decl-n-n/sandboximL sga-decl-n-n/sandboxenaib sga-decl-n-n/sandboxenaib
Initial mutations of a following adjective:
  • H = triggers aspiration
  • L = triggers lenition
  • N = triggers nasalization

Neuter n-stem
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative sga-decl-n-n/sandboxN sga-decl-n-n/sandboxN genenL
Vocative sga-decl-n-n/sandboxN sga-decl-n-n/sandboxN genenL
Accusative sga-decl-n-n/sandboxN sga-decl-n-n/sandboxN genenL
Genitive gene genenN genenN
Dative genimL genenaib genenaib
Initial mutations of a following adjective:
  • H = triggers aspiration
  • L = triggers lenition
  • N = triggers nasalization