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Proper noun



  1. Alternative form of Thanksgivukkah
    • 2013 November 20, Neal, “Shabbat THIS Friday and a few changes... Please read this”, in Tk Pk Children's Minyan[1] (Usenet):
      Note that we've moved Shabbat this month to accommodate Thanksgivukah
    • 2013 November 27, Talia Cooper, “[JYCA] Your Thanksgivukah Thank You Gift Enclosed”, in JYCAnews[2] (Usenet):
      Dear JYCA Friends, To say THANK YOU for all of your support, we are attaching a Thanksgivukah gift from us, to you.
    • 2013 December 6, We Give Thanks, “Thanks Thur, 12/5/13”, in wegivethanks[3] (Usenet):
      ...a great Thanksgivukah that ended last night.