Bot request

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 15:59, 1 November 2021

from my view, I do not think it better. There is lot of place to the right above the Transligual section - no matter whether the "contents" are hidden or shown; but it is often rather stressy below, there are pictures an longt text parts. And the uppermost right corner is the place where the other links from&to Commons for radicals are placed. So I prefer to place it above, before any other text as {{also}}, that means without any checking.

Index:Chinese radical/廿 was my fault, there was an error in the index list which is now corrected to 廾. Thank you!

sarang사랑15:55, 16 April 2012

That may be true but I have tabbed languages enabled, and it looks a bit strange then: File:Radical one tabbed.png

CodeCat16:36, 16 April 2012

May give a problem. I'll try to find a solution.

sarang사랑17:03, 16 April 2012

How about now? Too dirty trick???

sarang사랑17:23, 16 April 2012

Uh... yeah, kinda...

CodeCat18:29, 16 April 2012