Gothic cardinal numerals

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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Cardinal numerals, being a subset of numerals, are in the same kind of relation to numerals as transitive verbs are to verbs. I note that Category:English transitive verbs is not a topic category, but a part-of-speech (sub)category under Category:English verbs. Why should it be different with cardinal numerals?

If ordinals do form a coherent category, then the other things in it that are more than just ordinals belong to more than one category. English "ten" (like "hundred" and "thousand") can be a numeral and also a noun ("tens of people"). So, under [[ten]], there are two headings, one for each case. Why not do the same for the other ordinals which also belong to other categories?

Also, from the viewpoint of practicity... If someone is going to come here looking for a category that includes the words "ordinal" or "cardinal" in its name, I think, given highschool grammar, that it's more likely they'll look for it under grammatical (part-of-speech) categories rather than under topic categories -- since their first encounters with the words "ordinal" and "cardinal" are likely to be in grammar class (later followed by math, but in a very different context).

But, all in all... I don't want to be difficult, or to fight old fights just for the sake of 'knowing better'. If it's been decided that categories like Category:Latvian cardinal numerals have to become topical categories, sigh, so be it. Although I think they'd be better placed as grammatical categories, the gained advantage is probably not enough to be worth the hassle of fighting for it (like everybody else here, I'd rather spend my time adding content -- in my case, to Latvian...) So maybe it's better if I simply ask: have you guys come up with an accepted format for numeral entries? What should the headings be for words like "five", "fifth", "one fifth" (and for collective words for "group of five", like Russian "пятеро", which, by the way, is not a noun, unlike English "pair" or "trio"), and how should they be categorized, and what should the categories be named as? If there's already an entry/category structure that's been agreed upon, you can direct me to it, and I'll try to make sure Latvian follows it (and to change my contributions to Gothic, Sanskrit, and Old Church Slavonic accordingly.)

Pereru (talk)02:46, 14 August 2012